
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

Global Interaction & Understanding - A Personal Journey : No.31  フォローアップ

2018-11-10 13:04:50 | Ron's Life Story




STEP #11 OWNER FOLLOW-UP: 顧客のフォローアップ

Owner follow up (after the sale follow-up) is extremely important for the salesman, as it will make his job easier in the future.

(1) He will insure the customer is satisfied with him. (2) He many get repeat business from this customer. (3) He may get referrals from his customers. (4) He can use his satisfied customers as testimonials. Simply, it will help make future sales easier.

After delivery, the salesman should mail a thank you letter to the customer with the photograph taken during the delivery. Transfer all relevant information from the customer contact planner system to the product owner follow-up system. Now days, this can all be done by computer and the computer will tell the salesman when and why he should contact the customer next time. There is very good customer contact management software on the market that is very inexpensive.

One week later the delivery, the salesman should call the customer to insure the product is being used correctly, and if there are any problems.

The salesman should regularly contact the customer (every 3 months to a year) to maintain contact. The salesman must determine what is appropriate and learn from how the customer reacts with each contact. Does he appreciate it or dislike it? If he likes it, you can not only create a good referral source but build a friend as well. If he dislikes the contact, maybe fewer contacts or contact by mail would be appropriate.

Some people love selling and some hate it, and there is a lot of psychology is selling. If a customer says to a salesman that his product is no good, the salesman can react in three ways. He can say, “No it isn’t”, and get in a fight. He can say, “I know. How did you find out?” and lose the sale. Or he can ask the customer why he says that. The customer may know something that the salesman does not. The customer will have to justify his statement. Most of the time, it is based on wrong information or not based on any facts at all. In this example, and in many others, the salesman has to control his emotions, and some people can’t seem to do it. If you can handle the rejections and still maintain positive, you can continue to do the activities in the selling process and be successful in selling.

I have built many careers in teaching this selling process worldwide and with its success, this seminar has provided me the opportunity to travel to well over 60 counties globally. It would be the vehicle I would use to bring the world together, as I would be teaching sales people to not only sell to the world, but serve the world as well.

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