最近読んだ『FACT FULNESS』(ハンス・ロスリング他著、日経BP社)によると、マレーシアは日本と同じレベル4、インドネシアはレベル3の国と位置づけられています。
After those four seminars in West Malaysia, I was asked to go down to Indonesia to study if we could help them develop their dealership network. It turned out that the country had very strict local content laws and imported assembled vehicles were very heavily taxed. Like Malaysia, a manufacturer had to not only have local assembly, but required a great deal of local parts in the vehicle, some parts of which were in low supply and of low quality. So, the problem was not the dealership network, it was supply.
With little business to do, I decided to do market research while I was there. I studied the bus market on the beautiful island of Bali.

Bali, Indonesia, July 1985
Most of the Eastern religions came out of India historically. The first religion was Hindu, which swept down the Malaysian Peninsula and throughout Indonesia. Then, centuries later came the Buddhist religion and finally the Muslim religion. Today, Indonesia is 80% Muslim, except Bali. They still hold the old Hindu religion, which entered the countries 100’s of years earlier. They are very special people for that region of the world. They work hard, are very disciplined and religious. It’s one of the special places on earth.
Indonesia is extremely different from Malaysia. Although the Malay language and Indonesian language are similar, and they can understand each other, they don’t like each other very much. The Malaysians are far more educated and rich. Indonesian has a very huge population (8-10 times the sizes of Malaysia). Few people speak English in Indonesia, as they were a territory of the Dutch, and about 15% of the population is Chinese. They do have crude oil though which is the number one foreign exchange earner. It has the largest Muslim population in the world making it very important globally.
最近読んだ『FACT FULNESS』(ハンス・ロスリング他著、日経BP社)によると、マレーシアは日本と同じレベル4、インドネシアはレベル3の国と位置づけられています。
After those four seminars in West Malaysia, I was asked to go down to Indonesia to study if we could help them develop their dealership network. It turned out that the country had very strict local content laws and imported assembled vehicles were very heavily taxed. Like Malaysia, a manufacturer had to not only have local assembly, but required a great deal of local parts in the vehicle, some parts of which were in low supply and of low quality. So, the problem was not the dealership network, it was supply.
With little business to do, I decided to do market research while I was there. I studied the bus market on the beautiful island of Bali.

Bali, Indonesia, July 1985
Most of the Eastern religions came out of India historically. The first religion was Hindu, which swept down the Malaysian Peninsula and throughout Indonesia. Then, centuries later came the Buddhist religion and finally the Muslim religion. Today, Indonesia is 80% Muslim, except Bali. They still hold the old Hindu religion, which entered the countries 100’s of years earlier. They are very special people for that region of the world. They work hard, are very disciplined and religious. It’s one of the special places on earth.
Indonesia is extremely different from Malaysia. Although the Malay language and Indonesian language are similar, and they can understand each other, they don’t like each other very much. The Malaysians are far more educated and rich. Indonesian has a very huge population (8-10 times the sizes of Malaysia). Few people speak English in Indonesia, as they were a territory of the Dutch, and about 15% of the population is Chinese. They do have crude oil though which is the number one foreign exchange earner. It has the largest Muslim population in the world making it very important globally.