
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (2-e) : 学費、生活費・・・お金の問題を解決する。

2022-05-22 10:30:15 | Ron's Life Story

さて、RonさんのLiife Storyの続き。


So, I decided to go out and get some kind of part-time job, which would keep me active and stabilize my finances. I got a job as a security guard at a refrigeration plant. You can’t get a more boring job than that! For insurance reasons and safety, this refrigeration facility needed security guards around the clock as a person from the local bar may wonder over to a freezer (which is the size of whole warehouses in which fork lifts can drive in and out of) walk in and freeze him to death. I had to walk around the facility once an hour and had to clock-in at various locations. It took about 15 minutes per hour. There was also a weigh scale there for truck to weigh their produce, as they brought produce into the storage areas. So, I weighed trucks the rest of the time. I worked from four o'clock in the afternoon to midnight, and really had nothing to do about 45 minutes of every hour.


The average person who took a job like that was about 60-65 years old. It was a mindless job, but for me, it was ideal, as I could study and get paid at the same time! I did that for about two years and came out of college with not only a degree, but also a bank account that was relatively healthy.
I did have student loans, but I was able to pay for them off within one year after I started working full-time. During that period, the government was offering very favorable student loans. My mother needed some extra money, so I got some loans just for her also. She was giving our home in Sacramento to my sister and moving into her own apartment, so she required some cash. She paid me back within a year as well.





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