
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (3-j) : 人生初めての長旅 - ドイツからスイスへ

2022-09-17 21:50:25 | Ron's Life Story


From Munich, I was off to Switzerland. I wanted to get out of the larger cities, so I headed for Interlaken and Grindelwald, Switzerland. If there ever were a place that you want to tuck yourself away in and write a book, that is it. With extremely slow moving trains winding in the hills and rolling slopes that are breathtaking in beauty, it is a great place for inspiration.

From there I was off to Geneva, the French-speaking side of Switzerland. It is amazing that Switzerland can be one country with German spoken in the north, Italian spoken in the south and French spoken in the west.

From Interlaken, Swiss (German-speaking side) I traveled to Geneva, the French-speaking side of Switzerland. Geneva is one of the most international cities I know, even though the spoken language is French. Many non-governmental organizations are there (IMF, WHO, GATT [now WTO], etc.).





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