
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

ハイジャックそしてクラッシュ!Ronさん、九死に一生(9)- PTSDとの戦いも。

2024-03-31 09:12:54 | 旅の安全

I returned to Japan a month later. After returning, I was in the Isuzu hospital for six months and was not allowed to work. Finally, I went home for Christmas, 1996. I met my friends in the neighborhood and finally slept in my own bed.

At that time, the posttraumatic stress really started, and I spend whole nights just shacking. It was so bad that even Taeko couldn’t sleep which is something. Taeko can sleep standing up. Still today I don’t sleep that deep, but am very comfortable taking plane flights.

I met part of Rani Nanakani’s family in Bangalore, India on my way from Singapore to Turkey a couple years later, in 1998. I was on a business trip and decided to route it through India. I met the same brother I met in Reunion, Rani’s other brother, her sister that lives in Canada and Rani’s Mother. It was wonderful, but I couldn’t meet Rani, her husband or their children.
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