
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (3-h) : 人生初めての長旅 - ドイツ・ミュンヘンでのへべれけの夜

2022-09-03 21:38:31 | Ron's Life Story


From Vienna, I took another overnight train to Munich(ミュンヘン), Germany. In Munich, all I can remember was drinking more beer than my body was prepared for. In the hostel, I met a couple of traveling American girls, and they wanted to go out on the town. So, off we went. In a beer hall, we met a couple of Danish guys traveling around. I think everyone in the whole place was plastered, and a German fellow came over to us. He had heard us speaking in English, and he wanted to voice his views of American policy on a few issues. I don’t remember what the issues were, but I do know he was very proud to be German, and the Americans were somehow inferior. Anyway, the five of us (the two American girls, the two Danish boys and me) quickly departed. At the next place the Danish guys mentioned that is a problem they have with the Germans. Also, they mentioned that Denmark is the largest countries in Europe. They included Greenland, a Danish territory. Anyway, I spent the rest of the night with my head in the toilet. Munich was also a beautiful city to me and a city of great engineering. Years later, I would travel there many times on business. It is in the heart of Bavaria(バイエルン), the southern region in Germany and where BMW headquarters is.





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