
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (3-i) : 人生初めての長旅 - ドイツの続き

2022-09-09 23:12:41 | Ron's Life Story

Also, just to the north-east of Munich is Stuttgart, that is the Swabian region of Germany. If you say they are part of Bavaria, they will get angry at you. That is where Porsche, Bosch and Mercedes-Benz world headquarters are. Those two regions have beer drinking contests every year during Oktoberfest. I had a customer one hour from Stuttgart and went there often. In the center of Stuttgart they would construct large tents for beer drinking during Oktoberfest.

Just outside of Munich is a city called Dachau. That city is famous for being one of the German concentration camps during World War II. The main concentration camp is in southern Poland, called Auschwitz. Over six million Jewish people were killed in those camps. That was a shock for me to see which I’ll never forget. I mentioned my mother is Jewish and that I started this trip visiting my sister in Israel. Well, you could say that the whole country of Israel was created by the Holocaust. The European Jews (including the German Jews) were so shocked over it that they moved to Israel and the country was officially established in 1948, interestingly the year I was born. In the many times I visited Israel after that, I would always meet people that had relatives in those camps.





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