レガスピへの道 (でも時々、菊川)~Road to the Legazpi City Albay!~


This is the Philippines

2017-09-28 19:10:56 | Philippines Legazpi







フィリピンの量販店はAbensonと言う会社が大きく、Web販売もしている。 ここレガスピにも3店舗ある。




2週間から3週間掛かるとの事。マニラから担いで来るのか? 何故かというと、マニラからの配送は2週間から3週間に一度のようで、

この商品だけでは運べないとの事。 この国ではお客の事は考えていない。 ただし、この町の有力者だったら、直ぐにでも届くのであろう。


お店の対応も良かった。 大型家電を購入する場合、このお店に決めた。 お店を出る時、オーブントースターを無料でプレゼントしてくれた。



Where to live is decided from October 1, and it is in the process of purchasing various items.

Yesterday was a bet related. I bought a refrigerator today.

Because I live alone and I do not need a big refrigerator, I was looking for two doors for personal use.

Among various manufacturers, the one that can be trusted, after all, was made by Panasonic of the former company.

There are two small doors in Japan, but this country has not put out. All small size refrigerators are one door type.

Looking for the 2 door type, a local company called FUJIDENZO is making it.

A company called Abenson is a mass retailer in the Philippines, and it also sells Web. There are also three stores in Legazpi here.

It has already been confirmed that neither of the three stores is in the shop front.

After confirming at Ayala Mall 's Abenson, again, there are no other 2 shops in stock.

Since we confirmed that there was inventory on the website, if you asked me what time it will come from Manila,

It took 2 weeks to 3 weeks. Are you coming from Manila? The reason is that the delivery from Manila seems to be from once every two weeks to three weeks,

It is said that you can not carry with this product alone. We do not consider customers in this country. However, if it is an influential person in this town, it will arrive soon.

I abandoned the purchase at Abenson and went to another shop, the same item was in the shop. The price was a little expensive, but if you give out the price of Abenson it made it the same.

The correspondence of the shop was also good. I decided this shop when purchasing a large appliance. When giving out the store, they gave me an oven toaster for free.

Delivery is Sunday morning.

Legazpiで実験農業 ~Experimental farming at Legazpi~ 9/28

2017-09-28 10:26:51 | 農業

水耕栽培 育成器⇒ペットボトル⇒大型ボックス(中央) 9/28

 水耕栽培 育成器⇒ペットボトル⇒大型ボックス(右) 9/28

水耕栽培 育成器⇒ペットボトル⇒露地栽培 9/28

パッションフルーツの成長記録 Passion fruit growth record 9/28

ハイビスカス 9/28

新ブルーベリーの成長記録 9/28 鉢植え替え後31日目

水耕栽培 育成器⇒露地栽培 9/28

ゴーヤの成長記録 Growth record of variety 9/28

水耕栽培器再び 1号機 9/28 9日目

水耕栽培器再び 2号機 9/28 9日目

水耕栽培器再び 3号機 9/28 7日目

水耕栽培器再び 4号機 9/28 7日目


2017-09-28 09:47:20 | ホームベカーリー




The bread this morning was a huge success.

I returned from olive oil to unsalted butter.

After all, I feel that the scent is different.


2017-09-28 09:34:16 | Philippines Legazpi






Good morning.

The injury spirit of this morning is covered with a thin cloud, but it is very easy to spend.

Mayon mountain is also well visible.

I came through the New Town behind the office this morning.

I will also upload photos from there.