カメラはNikon D850と20㎜レンズ、絞りはf5.6でシャッタースピード、ISO感度は自動設定です。
撮影したデータをSILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro 10にて自動調整を行い、DavincResolve16にて動画編集を行いました。
I took a time-lapse shot of the starry sky and the first sunrise of January 1, 2021 on the coastline in front of Jitogata Elementary School in Makinohara City.
The camera is a Nikon D850 and a 20mm lens, the aperture is f5.6, the shutter speed is set automatically, and the ISO sensitivity is set automatically.
The captured data was automatically adjusted with SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro 10 and the video was edited with Davinc Resolve 16.