おはようございます。 タケが生まれて、1歳と約2か月(2019年11月22日生)、我が家に来て約8か月(2020年5月24日)。今日も元気に散歩してくれます。 今朝の菊川は風が強く、気温も低いです。空気が澄んでいますので、富士山も見えています。
Good morning.
TAKE was born 1 year and about 2 months (born November 22, 2019), and about 8 months since I came to my house (May 24, 2020). He will take a walk well today. Kikugawa is windy this morning and the temperature is low. The air is clear, so you can see Mt. Fuji.
Yesterday (January 29, 2021), the number of new positives in Shizuoka Prefecture was 44, and unfortunately one was involved in Kikugawa City.
Let's do our best and live well today.