国から一都三県に対し、「緊急事態宣言」が出されましたが、去年の4月の時の様に出歩く人が減っているわけでもなく、相変わらず、平和ボケした東京都民がいるようですね。 夜に飲めないなら、昼から飲んでいるし、欧米のように、自宅に集まってパーティを開いているようで、「緊急事態宣言」の意味すら解っていない東京都民にはあきれ返ってしまいす。
商売をしていれば、必ず、確定申告が行われます。 コロナ過、確定申告時に固定費の何%を国が補填するような方法に出来ない物でしょうか?
Good morning.
I'm back from work in the morning.
Today is Coming of Age Day.
In Kikugawa City, the safety and security of new adults, their families, and citizens is our top priority, and as a result of reexamination considering the burden on medical institutions centered on hospitals, the ceremony was held from the venue to no audience. We have changed to holding the WEB at.
The pattern of the coming-of-age ceremony held on the WEB is archived and can be viewed on Youtube.
By the way, regarding the corona situation yesterday, the number of new positives in Shizuoka prefecture is 91, and that in Kikugawa city is 0.
The national government has issued an "emergency declaration" to the three prefectures, but the number of people going out is not decreasing as it was in April last year, and it seems that there are still peace-blurred Tokyo residents. is not it. If you can't drink at night, you'll be drinking from noon, and like in Europe and the United States, it seems that you're having a party at home, and you'll be overwhelmed by the people of Tokyo who don't even understand the meaning of the "state of emergency."
Money will be distributed to restaurants as compensation for leave, but not upstream of restaurants.
If you are in business, you will always file a tax return. Corona excess, what percentage of fixed costs cannot be covered by the government at the time of final tax return?
The current method is completely unfair and unfair.
Today is a coming-of-age ceremony and a national holiday, but let's stay at home so as not to deal with "China virus".