おはようございます。 タケが生まれて、1歳と約2か月(2019年11月22日生)、我が家に来て約8か月(2020年5月24日)。今日も元気に散歩してくれます。 今朝の菊川は風が強く、気温も低いです。空気が澄んでいますので、富士山も見えています。 昨日(2021年1月28日)の静岡県での新規陽性者数は84名、私の住む菊川市では発見されていません。 御殿場市で26名。これは既にクラスターと認定された陸上自衛隊御殿場駐屯地からです。 以前、御殿場市は市内の飲食店に一見さんお断りのポスターを張り出して、マスコミから叩かれましたが、この様にクラスターが起きるならば、注意喚起を含めてポスターも張り出したくなると思います。 今日は気温も上がらす、風が強い一日です。 武漢ウィルスに負けないように、元気に頑張って生きましょう。
Good morning. ”TAKE” was born 1 year and about 2 months (born November 22, 2019), and about 8 months since I came to my house (May 24, 2020). He will take a walk well today. Kikukawa is windy this morning and the temperature is low. The air is clear, so you can see Mt. Fuji. The number of new positives in Shizuoka Prefecture yesterday (January 28, 2021) was 84, and it has not been found in Kikugawa City, where I live. 26 people in Gotemba City. This is from the Ground Self-Defense Force Gotemba Garrison, which has already been certified as a cluster. Previously, Gotemba City posted a poster that seemingly refused to restaurants in the city and was hit by the media, but if a cluster occurs like this, I think that I would like to post a poster including a warning. Today is a windy day with warmer temperatures. Let's do our best and live well so as not to lose to the Wuhan virus.
Good morning.
”TAKE” was born 1 year and about 2 months (born November 22, 2019), and about 8 months since I came to my house (May 24, 2020). He will take a walk well today.
Kikukawa is windy this morning and the temperature is low. The air is clear, so you can see Mt. Fuji.
The number of new positives in Shizuoka Prefecture yesterday (January 28, 2021) was 84, and it has not been found in Kikugawa City, where I live.
26 people in Gotemba City. This is from the Ground Self-Defense Force Gotemba Garrison, which has already been certified as a cluster.
Previously, Gotemba City posted a poster that seemingly refused to restaurants in the city and was hit by the media, but if a cluster occurs like this, I think that I would like to post a poster including a warning.
Today is a windy day with warmer temperatures.
Let's do our best and live well so as not to lose to the Wuhan virus.
ただいま 朝の散歩中です。 2021年1月29日
2010年3月21日撮影 フィリピン・アニラオ・キルビスロックで撮影した動画Part12です。
撮影に使ったカメラはPanasonic DMC-TZ7
Taken on March 21, 2010 Video Part 12 taken at Anilao Kirvis Rock, Philippines.
The camera used for shooting is Panasonic DMC-TZ7
The highlight is the sea goldie that dances in the drop-off.
Philippines Anilao Kirby s Rock Part12 2010 3 21
2021年1月22日撮影 スーパーカブ110プロに乗って掛川市内で用事を済ませた後、自宅に戻りました。
Taken on January 22, 2021. After finishing the errands in Kakegawa city on the Super Cub 110 Pro, I returned to my home.