今朝の菊川は快晴。 富士山もここへ来る途中見えていました。
昨日(2021年1月18日)の静岡県での新規陽性者数は43人、菊川市で1人。菊川市の感染者は県内陽性者との接触との事です。 はっきりとは書かれていませんでしたが、一昨日に大量に見つかった掛川市15人からの感染ではないでしょうか?
Good morning.
I went to work in the morning today as well.
Take was born 1 year and about 2 months (born November 22, 2019), and about 8 months since he came to my house (May 24, 2020). He will take a walk well today.
Kikugawa is sunny this morning. Mt. Fuji was also visible on the way to here.
Yesterday (January 18, 2021), there were 43 new positives in Shizuoka prefecture and 1 in Kikugawa city. Infected people in Kikugawa City are in contact with positive people in the prefecture. It wasn't written clearly, but wasn't it an infection from 15 people in Kakegawa City that were found in large numbers the day before yesterday?
The weather is very nice today, but the wind is strong, but let's do our best and live well.
It's best to spend time at home.
ただいま 朝の散歩中です。 2021年1月21日