レガスピへの道 (でも時々、菊川)~Road to the Legazpi City Albay!~


2021年10月24日 徒然なるままに

2021-10-25 17:13:26 | 徒然なるままに

 今日は、静岡県参議院議員補欠選挙の日。 選挙所は歩いて行ける距離なので、朝の犬の散歩を兼ねて行った。 前回の静岡県知事選挙に前参議院議員”岩井しげき”氏が立候補する為に辞任し、空席が出来たため、参議院選挙の前週に行われた。






 松山英樹選手が、マスターズに続き、日本で行われるPGAツアーで優勝した。 最後の18番ロングホールでもイーグルを決め、一時2位に落ちたが、2イーグル、3バーディ、2ボギーの65で周り2位に5打差を付けて優勝した。



明日から、東京都内で飲食店の時短要請などは無くなるようである。 日本は第5波も終焉の様であるが、世界を見ると、今、デルタ株と戦っている国がある。


 少なくなったと言えイギリスでは毎日5万人の新規感染者が発生している。 ロシアはロックダウンは始まる。 自前のワクチンスプートニクスがあるにもかかわらず、接種率は30%の様だ。 日本の前菅総理はワクチンを最優先にコロナと戦った。 日本のコロナとの戦いは前菅総理のおかげだと思う。


 今朝、フジテレビの日曜報道という生放送番組を見て非常に気になった事があった。 9の政治団体の代表が番組に出演し、討議を行っていた。 その中で、日本共産党の志位書記長が常に、腕時計を見て時間を気にしていた。 番組に集中できないのか、それとも人が話をしている時間が気になるのか? どちらにしても余り良い気はしない。




October 24, 2021

having nothing to do


Today is the day of the by-elections for members of the House of Councilors of Shizuoka Prefecture. The election hall is within walking distance, so I went for a walk with my dog ​​in the morning. The former member of the House of Councilors "Shigeki Iwai" resigned to run for the last Governor of Shizuoka election, and the seat was vacant, so it was held the week before the House of Councilors election.


I voted for Mr. Yohei Wakabayashi of the Liberal Democratic Party, but unfortunately lost.


Election day for the House of Representatives is 31st next week. The Liberal Democratic Party needs a turnaround.


Hideki Matsuyama won the PGA Tour in Japan following the Masters. He also scored an eagle on the final 18th long hole and fell to 2nd place at one point, but won the championship with 2 eagle, 3 birdies and 2 bogeys, 65, 5 strokes behind the 2nd place.


Today, the number of newly infected new coronaviruses was 234 in Japan, 19 in Tokyo, and 1 in Shizuoka prefecture.

From tomorrow, it seems that there will be no requests for shorter hours at restaurants in Tokyo. Japan seems to be at the end of the 5th wave, but looking at the world, there are countries that are currently fighting Delta stocks.


Although the number has decreased, 50,000 new infections occur every day in the United Kingdom. Russia begins lockdown. Despite having its own vaccine Sputnik, the inoculation rate seems to be 30%. Former Japanese Prime Minister Suga fought Corona with the highest priority on vaccines. I think the battle with Japan's Corona was due to the former Prime Minister Suga.


This morning, I was very interested in watching a live broadcast program called Sunday coverage on Fuji TV. Representatives of 9 political groups appeared on the program and had discussions. Among them, the Japanese Communist Party general secretary Shii was always looking at his wristwatch and was concerned about time. Can't you concentrate on the show, or are you worried about the time people are talking? Either way, I don't feel so good.


That's all for today.

2021年10月24日 徒然なるままに

2021-10-25 17:13:26 | 徒然なるままに

 今日は、静岡県参議院議員補欠選挙の日。 選挙所は歩いて行ける距離なので、朝の犬の散歩を兼ねて行った。 前回の静岡県知事選挙に前参議院議員”岩井しげき”氏が立候補する為に辞任し、空席が出来たため、参議院選挙の前週に行われた。






 松山英樹選手が、マスターズに続き、日本で行われるPGAツアーで優勝した。 最後の18番ロングホールでもイーグルを決め、一時2位に落ちたが、2イーグル、3バーディ、2ボギーの65で周り2位に5打差を付けて優勝した。



明日から、東京都内で飲食店の時短要請などは無くなるようである。 日本は第5波も終焉の様であるが、世界を見ると、今、デルタ株と戦っている国がある。


 少なくなったと言えイギリスでは毎日5万人の新規感染者が発生している。 ロシアはロックダウンは始まる。 自前のワクチンスプートニクスがあるにもかかわらず、接種率は30%の様だ。 日本の前菅総理はワクチンを最優先にコロナと戦った。 日本のコロナとの戦いは前菅総理のおかげだと思う。


 今朝、フジテレビの日曜報道という生放送番組を見て非常に気になった事があった。 9の政治団体の代表が番組に出演し、討議を行っていた。 その中で、日本共産党の志位書記長が常に、腕時計を見て時間を気にしていた。 番組に集中できないのか、それとも人が話をしている時間が気になるのか? どちらにしても余り良い気はしない。




October 24, 2021

having nothing to do


Today is the day of the by-elections for members of the House of Councilors of Shizuoka Prefecture. The election hall is within walking distance, so I went for a walk with my dog ​​in the morning. The former member of the House of Councilors "Shigeki Iwai" resigned to run for the last Governor of Shizuoka election, and the seat was vacant, so it was held the week before the House of Councilors election.


I voted for Mr. Yohei Wakabayashi of the Liberal Democratic Party, but unfortunately lost.


Election day for the House of Representatives is 31st next week. The Liberal Democratic Party needs a turnaround.


Hideki Matsuyama won the PGA Tour in Japan following the Masters. He also scored an eagle on the final 18th long hole and fell to 2nd place at one point, but won the championship with 2 eagle, 3 birdies and 2 bogeys, 65, 5 strokes behind the 2nd place.


Today, the number of newly infected new coronaviruses was 234 in Japan, 19 in Tokyo, and 1 in Shizuoka prefecture.

From tomorrow, it seems that there will be no requests for shorter hours at restaurants in Tokyo. Japan seems to be at the end of the 5th wave, but looking at the world, there are countries that are currently fighting Delta stocks.


Although the number has decreased, 50,000 new infections occur every day in the United Kingdom. Russia begins lockdown. Despite having its own vaccine Sputnik, the inoculation rate seems to be 30%. Former Japanese Prime Minister Suga fought Corona with the highest priority on vaccines. I think the battle with Japan's Corona was due to the former Prime Minister Suga.


This morning, I was very interested in watching a live broadcast program called Sunday coverage on Fuji TV. Representatives of 9 political groups appeared on the program and had discussions. Among them, the Japanese Communist Party general secretary Shii was always looking at his wristwatch and was concerned about time. Can't you concentrate on the show, or are you worried about the time people are talking? Either way, I don't feel so good.


That's all for today.