October 30, 2021 Having nothing to do
October 30, 2021 Having nothing to do
The 49th House of Representatives election was over, and tomorrow was the election day. Because there were 9 political parties that met the party requirements, I felt that there were very few election programs on the broadcasting station. After that, the imperial marriage was also during the election period, so I think the broadcasting station turned to that.
There is a Youtube that has become a hot topic on the net. "Young people, don't go to the election." I also saw it. Certainly, it is an old man's claim. When I saw this Youtube, it was a video that made me feel indignant and motivated to go to the election.
In any era, politicians make a pledge to lead to votes. In the current election, 70% of people are over 60 years old, and about 50% of people in their 40s to 50s? If you are younger than that, you will hear that the voter turnout is 30% to 40%.
Of course, vote for politicians who say that older people are more pleased than young voters. For the elderly, the important issues are medical expenses and pensions. The employment issues and environmental issues that young people care about are not so relevant to the elderly.
Some old men in the Zenkyoto era may be voting to the left, shouting against the war and against the regime. The labor union will vote for a candidate if there is a candidate in the organization, but it is already a free vote.
What I don't understand is the person who votes with the Asahi Shimbun for some politicians who have fallen into Japan due to the comfort women issue. Japan is a really free country.
I want you to think about who will vote again before going to the election. Those who are still chanting Morikake Sakura, those who are unconstitutional in the Self-Defense Forces and chanting the abolition of Japan-US security, are there any futures for Japan by voting for such people?
That's all for today.