III. References 45 (S-Say)
Sacco, Federico, 1897a. I molluschi dei terreni terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria. Parte XXIII e XXIV. Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia comparata della R. Università di Torino, vol. 12(298): 99-102. (11 Giugno (June); parte 1-6, by Beraldi; parte 7-30, by Sacco)
Sacco, Federico, 1897b. I molluschi dei terreni terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria. Parte XXIII. Pelecypoda (Ostreidae, Anomiidae e Dimyidae). 66 pp., 11 pls., Carlo Clausen, Torino. (Giugno (June) 1897; parte 1-6, by Beraldi; pate 7-30, by Sacco)
Sacco, Federico, 1897c. I molluschi dei terreni terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria. Parte XXIV. (Pectinidae). 117 pp., 21 pls., Carlo Clausen, Torino. (Dec. 1897; parte 1-6, by Beraldi; pate 7-30, by Sacco)
Sacco, Federico, 1898. I molluschi dei terreni terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria. Parte 26. (Fam. Arcidae, Pectunculidae, Limopsidae, Nuculidae, Ledidae e Malletidae). 93 pp., 12 pls., Carlo Clausen, Torino. (Dec., 1898; parte 1-6, by Beraldi; pate 7-30, by Sacco)
Sacco, Federico, 1899. I molluschi dei terreni terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria. Parte 27. (Unionidae, Carditidae, Astartidae, Crassatellidae, Lasaeidae, Galeommatidae, Cardiidae, Limnocardiidae e Chamidae). 103 pp., 14 pls., Carlo Clausen, Torino. (Sept. 1899; parte 1-6, by Beraldi; pate 7-30, by Sacco)
Sacco, Federico, 1901. I molluschi dei terreni terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria. Parte 29. (Donacidae, Psammobiidae, Solenidae, Mesodesmidae, Mactridae, Cardiidae, Myidae, Corbulidae, Glycymeridae, Gastrochaenidae, Pholadidae, Teredinidae; Cryptodontidae, Ungulinidae (Diplodontidae), Lucinidae, Tellinidae, Scrobiculariidae, Cuspidariidae, Solenomyidae, Pandoridae, Verticordiidae, Lyonsiidae, Ceromyidae, Arcomyidae, Anatinidae, Poromyidae, Pholadomyidae e Clavagellidae). 217 pp., 29 pls., Carlo Clausen, Torino. (parte 1-6, by Beraldi; pate 7-30, by Sacco)
相良守峯, 1963. 新訂独和辞典. 1792+xvii pp.,博友社,東京. [Sagara, Morio, 1963. Kimura-Sagara deutsch-japanisches wörterbuch. 1792+xvii pp., Hakuyusha, Tokyo.]
桜井欽一・波部忠重, 1966. 奄美諸島産二枚貝3新種. 貝類学雑誌, 第24巻, 4号: 293-296. [Sakurai, Kin’ichi & Habe, Tadashige, 1966. Three new bivalves from Amami Islands, south of Kyushu, Japan. Venus, vol. 24(4): 293-296.]
Salisbury, Albert Edward, 1929a. A twice pre-occupied generic name. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, vol. 18(5-6): 255. (fide Badcock. E. C., 1964; Huber, 2015: 874)
Salisbury, Albert Edward, 1929b. Polymetis. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, vol. 18(5-6): 258.
Salisbury, Albert Edward, 1934. On the nomenclature of Tellinidae, with descriptions of new species and some remarks on distribution. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, vol. 21: 74-91, pls. 9-14.
Salter, J. W., 1861. On the fossils of the South Wales Coalfield. Part 1. Ironstones of the “North Crop”. In Iron ores of Great Britain. Part 3. Iron ores of South Wales. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain: 219-236, pls. 1-2. (fide Wilson, R. B., 1959, 1(4): 404; Owens, R. M. & Bassett, M. G., 1995: 248)
Salter, J. W., 1864. Note on the fossils from the Budleigh Salterton Pebble-Bed. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 20(1): 286-302, pls. 15-17.
Salvi, Daniele and Mariottini, Paolo, 2016. Molecular taxonomy in 2D: a novel ITS2 rRNA sequence-structure approach guides the description of the oysters' subfamily Saccostreinae and the genus Magallana (Bivalvia: Ostreidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 179(2): 263-276. (1 Feb.)
Sandberger, F., 1864. Beobachtungen im mittleren Jura des badischen Oberlandes. Würzburger naturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, Band 5: 1-22.
Sars, Michael, 1870. Bidrag til Kundskab om Christianiafjordens Fauna. Part 2. Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne, Bind 17(2-3): 113-232, pls. 8-13.
Sars, George Ossian, 1872. On some remarkable forms of animal life from the great deeps off the Norwegian coast. I. Partly from posthumous manuscripts of the late Professor Dr. Michael Sars. viii + 112 pp., pls. 1-7.
Sars, George Ossian, 1878. Bidrag til Kundskaben om Norges arktiske Fauna. I. Mollusca Regionis Arcticae Norvegiae. Oversigt over de i Norges arktiske Region Forekommende Bløddyr. xiii + 466 pp., pls 1-34 & I-XVIII., Christiania, Brøgger. (available online at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/92496; Axinopsis: iv, 63)
Sars, M. in Sars, G. O. See Sars, George Ossian, 1872.
Sasso [Sassi], Agostino, 1827. Saggio geologico sopra il Bacino terziario di Albenga. Giornale Ligustico di Scienze, Lettere, ed Arti, 1(5): 467-484. (Sept.)
Saul, L. R. and Popenoe, W. P., 1992. Pacific Slope Cretaceous bivalves of the genus Calva. Contributions in Science, no. 433: 1-68.
Savizky, V. O., 1979. Crassicardia: 65-68. In Ablaev, Albeit G., Poiarkov, B. V., and Poiarkova, Z. N. (eds.): Biostratigrafiia Iura dal'nego Vostoka (Fanerozoi) [Biostratigraphy of the southern Far East (Phanerozoic)]. Dal'nevostochnyi Nauchnyi Tsentr, Dal'nevostochnyi Geologicheskii Institut, Vladivostok. (In Russian)
Say, Thomas, 1819. Conchology, (text not paginated), pls. 1-4. In Nicholson, William: American edition of the British encyclopedia, or Dictionary of arts and sciences, comprising an accurate and popular view of the present improved state of human knowledge, ed. 3, vol. 4, Con-Ell (1818-1819), Michel Ames White, Philadelphia.
Say, Thomas, 1824. An account of some of the fossil shells of Maryland. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. 4(1): 124-155, (pls. 7-13, not consulted).
Say, Thomas, 1822. An account of some of the marine shells of the United States. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. 2(2): 302-325. Solen costatus: 315
Say, Thomas, 1825. On a new species of Modiola. Journal of the the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. 4(2): 368-370, pl. 19. (pl. 19, not consulted)
Say, Thomas, 1826. Descriptions of marine shells recently discovered on the coast of the United States. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. 5(2): 207-221.
Sacco, Federico, 1897a. I molluschi dei terreni terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria. Parte XXIII e XXIV. Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia comparata della R. Università di Torino, vol. 12(298): 99-102. (11 Giugno (June); parte 1-6, by Beraldi; parte 7-30, by Sacco)
Sacco, Federico, 1897b. I molluschi dei terreni terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria. Parte XXIII. Pelecypoda (Ostreidae, Anomiidae e Dimyidae). 66 pp., 11 pls., Carlo Clausen, Torino. (Giugno (June) 1897; parte 1-6, by Beraldi; pate 7-30, by Sacco)
Sacco, Federico, 1897c. I molluschi dei terreni terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria. Parte XXIV. (Pectinidae). 117 pp., 21 pls., Carlo Clausen, Torino. (Dec. 1897; parte 1-6, by Beraldi; pate 7-30, by Sacco)
Sacco, Federico, 1898. I molluschi dei terreni terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria. Parte 26. (Fam. Arcidae, Pectunculidae, Limopsidae, Nuculidae, Ledidae e Malletidae). 93 pp., 12 pls., Carlo Clausen, Torino. (Dec., 1898; parte 1-6, by Beraldi; pate 7-30, by Sacco)
Sacco, Federico, 1899. I molluschi dei terreni terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria. Parte 27. (Unionidae, Carditidae, Astartidae, Crassatellidae, Lasaeidae, Galeommatidae, Cardiidae, Limnocardiidae e Chamidae). 103 pp., 14 pls., Carlo Clausen, Torino. (Sept. 1899; parte 1-6, by Beraldi; pate 7-30, by Sacco)
Sacco, Federico, 1901. I molluschi dei terreni terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria. Parte 29. (Donacidae, Psammobiidae, Solenidae, Mesodesmidae, Mactridae, Cardiidae, Myidae, Corbulidae, Glycymeridae, Gastrochaenidae, Pholadidae, Teredinidae; Cryptodontidae, Ungulinidae (Diplodontidae), Lucinidae, Tellinidae, Scrobiculariidae, Cuspidariidae, Solenomyidae, Pandoridae, Verticordiidae, Lyonsiidae, Ceromyidae, Arcomyidae, Anatinidae, Poromyidae, Pholadomyidae e Clavagellidae). 217 pp., 29 pls., Carlo Clausen, Torino. (parte 1-6, by Beraldi; pate 7-30, by Sacco)
相良守峯, 1963. 新訂独和辞典. 1792+xvii pp.,博友社,東京. [Sagara, Morio, 1963. Kimura-Sagara deutsch-japanisches wörterbuch. 1792+xvii pp., Hakuyusha, Tokyo.]
桜井欽一・波部忠重, 1966. 奄美諸島産二枚貝3新種. 貝類学雑誌, 第24巻, 4号: 293-296. [Sakurai, Kin’ichi & Habe, Tadashige, 1966. Three new bivalves from Amami Islands, south of Kyushu, Japan. Venus, vol. 24(4): 293-296.]
Salisbury, Albert Edward, 1929a. A twice pre-occupied generic name. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, vol. 18(5-6): 255. (fide Badcock. E. C., 1964; Huber, 2015: 874)
Salisbury, Albert Edward, 1929b. Polymetis. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, vol. 18(5-6): 258.
Salisbury, Albert Edward, 1934. On the nomenclature of Tellinidae, with descriptions of new species and some remarks on distribution. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, vol. 21: 74-91, pls. 9-14.
Salter, J. W., 1861. On the fossils of the South Wales Coalfield. Part 1. Ironstones of the “North Crop”. In Iron ores of Great Britain. Part 3. Iron ores of South Wales. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain: 219-236, pls. 1-2. (fide Wilson, R. B., 1959, 1(4): 404; Owens, R. M. & Bassett, M. G., 1995: 248)
Salter, J. W., 1864. Note on the fossils from the Budleigh Salterton Pebble-Bed. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 20(1): 286-302, pls. 15-17.
Salvi, Daniele and Mariottini, Paolo, 2016. Molecular taxonomy in 2D: a novel ITS2 rRNA sequence-structure approach guides the description of the oysters' subfamily Saccostreinae and the genus Magallana (Bivalvia: Ostreidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 179(2): 263-276. (1 Feb.)
Sandberger, F., 1864. Beobachtungen im mittleren Jura des badischen Oberlandes. Würzburger naturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, Band 5: 1-22.
Sars, Michael, 1870. Bidrag til Kundskab om Christianiafjordens Fauna. Part 2. Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne, Bind 17(2-3): 113-232, pls. 8-13.
Sars, George Ossian, 1872. On some remarkable forms of animal life from the great deeps off the Norwegian coast. I. Partly from posthumous manuscripts of the late Professor Dr. Michael Sars. viii + 112 pp., pls. 1-7.
Sars, George Ossian, 1878. Bidrag til Kundskaben om Norges arktiske Fauna. I. Mollusca Regionis Arcticae Norvegiae. Oversigt over de i Norges arktiske Region Forekommende Bløddyr. xiii + 466 pp., pls 1-34 & I-XVIII., Christiania, Brøgger. (available online at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/92496; Axinopsis: iv, 63)
Sars, M. in Sars, G. O. See Sars, George Ossian, 1872.
Sasso [Sassi], Agostino, 1827. Saggio geologico sopra il Bacino terziario di Albenga. Giornale Ligustico di Scienze, Lettere, ed Arti, 1(5): 467-484. (Sept.)
Saul, L. R. and Popenoe, W. P., 1992. Pacific Slope Cretaceous bivalves of the genus Calva. Contributions in Science, no. 433: 1-68.
Savizky, V. O., 1979. Crassicardia: 65-68. In Ablaev, Albeit G., Poiarkov, B. V., and Poiarkova, Z. N. (eds.): Biostratigrafiia Iura dal'nego Vostoka (Fanerozoi) [Biostratigraphy of the southern Far East (Phanerozoic)]. Dal'nevostochnyi Nauchnyi Tsentr, Dal'nevostochnyi Geologicheskii Institut, Vladivostok. (In Russian)
Say, Thomas, 1819. Conchology, (text not paginated), pls. 1-4. In Nicholson, William: American edition of the British encyclopedia, or Dictionary of arts and sciences, comprising an accurate and popular view of the present improved state of human knowledge, ed. 3, vol. 4, Con-Ell (1818-1819), Michel Ames White, Philadelphia.
Say, Thomas, 1824. An account of some of the fossil shells of Maryland. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. 4(1): 124-155, (pls. 7-13, not consulted).
Say, Thomas, 1822. An account of some of the marine shells of the United States. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. 2(2): 302-325. Solen costatus: 315
Say, Thomas, 1825. On a new species of Modiola. Journal of the the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. 4(2): 368-370, pl. 19. (pl. 19, not consulted)
Say, Thomas, 1826. Descriptions of marine shells recently discovered on the coast of the United States. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. 5(2): 207-221.