III. References 52 (Vyalov-Wright)
Vyalov [Vialov], O. S., 1936. Sur la classification des huîtres. Doklady de l’Academie des Sciences de l’URSS, n.s., vol. 4(13), no. 1(105): 17-20 (fide Stenzel, 1971, part N, vol. 3(of 3): N1195; after 1 Aug.).
Walsingham, Thomas de Grey, 1908. Microlepidoptera of Tenerife. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, for 1907: 911-1034, pls. 51-53. (4 June 1908)
Wagner, William, 1840. Description of five new fossils, of the Older Pliocene formation of Maryland and North Carolina. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. 8, part 1: 51-53, pl. 1. (Venus inoceriformis: 51)
[Wakeham-Dawson, A.], 2003. Opinion 2036 (Case 3153). Hippopodiidae Cox, 1969 (Mollusca, Bivalvia): spelling emended to Hippopodiumidae, so removing the homonymy with Hoppopodiidae Kölliker, 1853 (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, vol 60, part 2: 157-158. (30 June)
Walch, Johann Ernst Immanuel, 1779. Beschreibung einiger seltnen und zum Theil neu entdeckten Conchylien. Der Naturforscher, Stück 13: 86-90, pl. 3.
Weiss, Harry B., 1939. Book notice. Journal of the New York Entomological Society, vol. 47(4): 350. (Dec.)
White, Charles A., 1896. Memoir of Fielding Bradford Meek, 1817-1876. Biographical Memoirs, National Academy of Sciences: 75-91. (Nov.)
Whiteaves, J. F., 1893. Notes on some marine Invertebrata from the coast of British Columbia. The Ottawa Naturalist, vol. 7: 133-137, pl. 1.
Wiegmann, Arend Friedrich Augst, 1832. Handbuch der Zoologie. vi + 621 + [1] pp., C. G. Lüderitz, Berlin. (Galatheia: 563)
Wiegmann, Arend Friedrich Augst, 1837. Ueber neue Arten der Gattung Tichogonia Rossm. Archiv für Naturgeschichte, Jahrg. 3(1): 47-51 (Tichogonia virgata: 49)
Wilkens, Rudolf, 1909. Paläontologische Untersuchung triadischer Faunen aus der Umgebung von Predazzo in Südtirol. Verhandlungen des naturhistorisch-medizinischen Vereins zu Heidelberg, N. F., Bd. 10, Heft 2: 81-231, pls. 4-7 (Pseudolucina: 207; fide Carus, J. V., 1910, vol. 18: 18, Palaeontologia, no. 25658).
Wilkins, Guy L., 1953. A catalogue and historical account of the Sloane Shell Collection. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Historical Series, vol. 1(2): 3-48, pls. 1-12. (30 May)
Willan, Richard C., Valdés, Ángel and Brunckhorst, David J., 1998. Nomenclatural implications from the rediscovery of the holotype of Phyllidia varicosa Lamarck, 1801 (Nudibranchia: Phyllidiidae). Proceedings of the Malacological Society of Lonon, vol. 64: 500-503.
Wilson, Barry R., 1967. A new generic name for three recent and one fossil species of Mytilidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in southern Australasia, with redescriptions of the species. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, vol. 37(4): 279-295.
Wilson, R. B., 1959. Wilkingia gen. nov. to replace Allorisma for a genus of Upper Palaeozoic lamellibranchs. Palaeontology, vol. 1(4): 401-404, pl. 71.
Winckworth, Ronald A., 1926. Notes on nomenclature. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, vol. 17: 103-106 (fide Signorelli & Pastorino, 2012, vol. 30(1): 101).
Winckworth, Ronald A., 1930a. Notes on nomenclature 5. Some new names for British marine bivalves. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, vol. 19: 14-15. (Devonia: 14; 13 March)
Winckworth, Ronald A., 1930b. Notes on nomenclature 6. Lima and allied genera. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, vol. 19(3): 115-116. (Limaria: 116)
Winckworth, Ronald A., 1932. The British marine Mollusca. Journal of Conchology, vol. 19(7): 211-252.西宮市貝類館(NSM0189)
Winkle, Katherine E. H. van, 1918. Paleontology of the Oligocene of the Chehalis valley, Washington. Washington University Publications in Geology, vol. 1(2): 69-97, pls. 6-7.
Wood, Searles Valentine, 1840. On the fossil shells of the Crag. The Magazine of Natural History, n.s., vol. 4: 230-234, pl. 13. (May)
Wood, Searles Valentine, 1851-1861. A monograph of the Crag Mollusca, with description of shells from the Upper Tertiaries of the British Isles. Vol. 2, Bivalves. 342 pp., pls. 21-31, the Palaeontographical Society of London.
Wood and Hanley, 1856. See Hanley, Sylvanus Charles Thorp, 1842-1856. An illustrated and descriptive catalogue of Recent bivalve shells [= Wood's Index testaceologiucs, new edition]. xviii+334+Suppl.(335-392)+24(list for suppl. pls.) pp., suppl. pls. 9-24, London.
Wood, William, 1815. General conchology; or, a description of shells, arranged according to the Linnean system, and illustrated with plates, drawn and coloured from nature. lxi + 246 pp., 59 pls., John Booth, London.
Wood, William, 1818. Index testaceologicus; or a catalogue of shells, British and foreign, arranged according to the Linnean system; with the Latin and English names, references to figures, and places where found. 188 + (2) pp., 8 pls., Richard and Arthur Taylor, London.
Woodring, Wendell Phillips, 1925. Miocene mollusks from Bowden, Jamaica; part 1, pelecypods and scaphopods. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication, no. 366: i-vii, 1-222, pls. 1-28.
Woodward, Sammuel Pickworth, 1851-1856. A manual of the Mollusca; or, rudimentary treatise of Recent and fossil shells. Part 1, pp. 1-158 (1851); part 2, pp. 159-330 (1854); part 3, pp. 331- 486, 1-24 (explanation of plates I-XXIV), pls. 1-24 (1856). [publication date: after writing in of a cover of the book of Ernst Mayr Library, Harvard University]
Woodward, Samuel Peckworth, 1868. A manual of the Mollusca: a treatise of Recent and fossil shells. 2nd ed., xiv + 542 + 86 (Appendix) pp., 23 pls., Virtue & Co., London and Virtue and Yorston, New York. With an appendix of Recent and fossil conchological discoveries to the present time, by R. Tate. [Appendix to the Manual of Mollusca, of a S. P. Woodward, A.L.S., containing such Recent and fossil shells as are not mentioned in the second edition of that work, by Ralph Tate, A.L.S., F.G.S.]
Wright, E. Perceval, 1864. On a new genus of Teredininae. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, vol. 24: 451-454, pl. 46.
Vyalov [Vialov], O. S., 1936. Sur la classification des huîtres. Doklady de l’Academie des Sciences de l’URSS, n.s., vol. 4(13), no. 1(105): 17-20 (fide Stenzel, 1971, part N, vol. 3(of 3): N1195; after 1 Aug.).
Walsingham, Thomas de Grey, 1908. Microlepidoptera of Tenerife. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, for 1907: 911-1034, pls. 51-53. (4 June 1908)
Wagner, William, 1840. Description of five new fossils, of the Older Pliocene formation of Maryland and North Carolina. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. 8, part 1: 51-53, pl. 1. (Venus inoceriformis: 51)
[Wakeham-Dawson, A.], 2003. Opinion 2036 (Case 3153). Hippopodiidae Cox, 1969 (Mollusca, Bivalvia): spelling emended to Hippopodiumidae, so removing the homonymy with Hoppopodiidae Kölliker, 1853 (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, vol 60, part 2: 157-158. (30 June)
Walch, Johann Ernst Immanuel, 1779. Beschreibung einiger seltnen und zum Theil neu entdeckten Conchylien. Der Naturforscher, Stück 13: 86-90, pl. 3.
Weiss, Harry B., 1939. Book notice. Journal of the New York Entomological Society, vol. 47(4): 350. (Dec.)
White, Charles A., 1896. Memoir of Fielding Bradford Meek, 1817-1876. Biographical Memoirs, National Academy of Sciences: 75-91. (Nov.)
Whiteaves, J. F., 1893. Notes on some marine Invertebrata from the coast of British Columbia. The Ottawa Naturalist, vol. 7: 133-137, pl. 1.
Wiegmann, Arend Friedrich Augst, 1832. Handbuch der Zoologie. vi + 621 + [1] pp., C. G. Lüderitz, Berlin. (Galatheia: 563)
Wiegmann, Arend Friedrich Augst, 1837. Ueber neue Arten der Gattung Tichogonia Rossm. Archiv für Naturgeschichte, Jahrg. 3(1): 47-51 (Tichogonia virgata: 49)
Wilkens, Rudolf, 1909. Paläontologische Untersuchung triadischer Faunen aus der Umgebung von Predazzo in Südtirol. Verhandlungen des naturhistorisch-medizinischen Vereins zu Heidelberg, N. F., Bd. 10, Heft 2: 81-231, pls. 4-7 (Pseudolucina: 207; fide Carus, J. V., 1910, vol. 18: 18, Palaeontologia, no. 25658).
Wilkins, Guy L., 1953. A catalogue and historical account of the Sloane Shell Collection. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Historical Series, vol. 1(2): 3-48, pls. 1-12. (30 May)
Willan, Richard C., Valdés, Ángel and Brunckhorst, David J., 1998. Nomenclatural implications from the rediscovery of the holotype of Phyllidia varicosa Lamarck, 1801 (Nudibranchia: Phyllidiidae). Proceedings of the Malacological Society of Lonon, vol. 64: 500-503.
Wilson, Barry R., 1967. A new generic name for three recent and one fossil species of Mytilidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in southern Australasia, with redescriptions of the species. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, vol. 37(4): 279-295.
Wilson, R. B., 1959. Wilkingia gen. nov. to replace Allorisma for a genus of Upper Palaeozoic lamellibranchs. Palaeontology, vol. 1(4): 401-404, pl. 71.
Winckworth, Ronald A., 1926. Notes on nomenclature. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, vol. 17: 103-106 (fide Signorelli & Pastorino, 2012, vol. 30(1): 101).
Winckworth, Ronald A., 1930a. Notes on nomenclature 5. Some new names for British marine bivalves. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, vol. 19: 14-15. (Devonia: 14; 13 March)
Winckworth, Ronald A., 1930b. Notes on nomenclature 6. Lima and allied genera. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, vol. 19(3): 115-116. (Limaria: 116)
Winckworth, Ronald A., 1932. The British marine Mollusca. Journal of Conchology, vol. 19(7): 211-252.西宮市貝類館(NSM0189)
Winkle, Katherine E. H. van, 1918. Paleontology of the Oligocene of the Chehalis valley, Washington. Washington University Publications in Geology, vol. 1(2): 69-97, pls. 6-7.
Wood, Searles Valentine, 1840. On the fossil shells of the Crag. The Magazine of Natural History, n.s., vol. 4: 230-234, pl. 13. (May)
Wood, Searles Valentine, 1851-1861. A monograph of the Crag Mollusca, with description of shells from the Upper Tertiaries of the British Isles. Vol. 2, Bivalves. 342 pp., pls. 21-31, the Palaeontographical Society of London.
Wood and Hanley, 1856. See Hanley, Sylvanus Charles Thorp, 1842-1856. An illustrated and descriptive catalogue of Recent bivalve shells [= Wood's Index testaceologiucs, new edition]. xviii+334+Suppl.(335-392)+24(list for suppl. pls.) pp., suppl. pls. 9-24, London.
Wood, William, 1815. General conchology; or, a description of shells, arranged according to the Linnean system, and illustrated with plates, drawn and coloured from nature. lxi + 246 pp., 59 pls., John Booth, London.
Wood, William, 1818. Index testaceologicus; or a catalogue of shells, British and foreign, arranged according to the Linnean system; with the Latin and English names, references to figures, and places where found. 188 + (2) pp., 8 pls., Richard and Arthur Taylor, London.
Woodring, Wendell Phillips, 1925. Miocene mollusks from Bowden, Jamaica; part 1, pelecypods and scaphopods. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication, no. 366: i-vii, 1-222, pls. 1-28.
Woodward, Sammuel Pickworth, 1851-1856. A manual of the Mollusca; or, rudimentary treatise of Recent and fossil shells. Part 1, pp. 1-158 (1851); part 2, pp. 159-330 (1854); part 3, pp. 331- 486, 1-24 (explanation of plates I-XXIV), pls. 1-24 (1856). [publication date: after writing in of a cover of the book of Ernst Mayr Library, Harvard University]
Woodward, Samuel Peckworth, 1868. A manual of the Mollusca: a treatise of Recent and fossil shells. 2nd ed., xiv + 542 + 86 (Appendix) pp., 23 pls., Virtue & Co., London and Virtue and Yorston, New York. With an appendix of Recent and fossil conchological discoveries to the present time, by R. Tate. [Appendix to the Manual of Mollusca, of a S. P. Woodward, A.L.S., containing such Recent and fossil shells as are not mentioned in the second edition of that work, by Ralph Tate, A.L.S., F.G.S.]
Wright, E. Perceval, 1864. On a new genus of Teredininae. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, vol. 24: 451-454, pl. 46.