

二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Margaritana-Margartina)

2018-07-23 06:52:40 | 日記
二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Margaritana-Margartina)

Margaritana (f.) Schumacher, 1817: 41-42, 123-124, type species (M) Margaritana fluviatilis Schumacher, 1817: 124, pl. 10, fig. 4, ref. Mya margaritifera Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 671, syntype, 2 specimens LSL, box no. 22, Dance label image ref. G-M 0010251, Unio margaritiferus Philippson, 1788: 16-17, and Mya margaritifera Linnaei (not binominal) Chemnitz, 1782, 6: 15-19, pl. 1, fig. 5; objective synonym of Margaritifera Schumacher, 1816, 7: 7; Margaritiferidae. L. margarita, ae, f., and margaritum, i, n., a pearl (W. Smith & Lockwood, 1976); -ana, us, um, L. pertaining to, belonging to (Brown, 1956). 真珠光沢をもつもの;カワシンジュガイ科カワシンジュガイ属

Margaritana fluviatilis Schumacher, 1817: 124, pl. 10, fig. 4.

Mya margaritifera Linnaeus, 1758, syntypes, LSL G-M0010251 (http://linnean-online.org/17121/).

Margaritifera (f.) Schumacher, 1816: 7 (Hemming, 1957f, 17(17): 287-322, emendation of an invalid original spelling Margartifera, ICZN Opinion 495), type species (M) Margaritana fluviatilis Schumacher, 1817: 124, pl. 10, fig. 4 [= Mya margaritifera Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 671]; Margaritiferidae. L. margarita, ae, f., and margaritum, i, n., a pearl (W. Smith & Lockwood, 1976); L. fera, ae, f., a wild animal (W. Smith & Lockwood, 1976) 真珠を持った野生動物;カワシンジュガイ科カワシンジュガイ属

Margaritifera (f.) Jameson, 1901, for 1901: 372 [non Schumacher, 1816: 7], type species (OD) Margarita (Margaritana) radiata Lea, 1836: 44 [= Alasmodonta radiata Conrad, 1834, 25(2): 341, pl. 1, fig. 10, fide MUSSELp, http://mussel-project.uwsp.edu/db/db.php?p=tax&l=sppop&n=4382]; Pteriidae, non Schumacher, 1816, Margaritiferidae.

Alasmodonta radiata Conrad, 1834, pl. 1, fig. 10.

Margartina (f.) Schumacher, 1816: 7, see Margaritina Schumacher, 1816.

二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Maoricardium-Margarita)

2018-07-21 21:19:57 | 日記
二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Maoricardium-Margarita)

Maoricardium (n.) Marwick, 1944, 74(3): 263-264, type species (OD) Cardium spatiosum Hutton, 1873: 23; Cardiidae. New Zealand Maori, primitive inhabitants of the islands (Jaeger, 1959); Cardium Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 678. マオリのザルガイ類;ザルガイ科マンシチザルガイ属

Maorithyas (f.) C. A. Fleming, 1950, 78(2/3): 253, type species (OD) Maorithyas marama C. A. Fleming, 1950, 78(2/3): 253-254, pl. 25, fig. 2, [?= Thyasira flexuosa (Montagu, 1803) sensu Suter, 1913: 919, pl. 63, fig. 11 (1915), non Tellina flexuosa Montagu, 1803: 72-73, ref. Venus sinuosa Donovan, 1800, 2: pl. 42, fig. 2]; Thyasiridae. New Zealand Maori, primitive inhabitants of the islands (Jaeger, 1959); Thyasira Lamarck, 1818, 5: 492. マオリのハナシガイ類;ハナシガイ科ウスハナシガイ属

Maorithyas marama C. A. Fleming, 1950, pl. 25, fig. 2.

Thyasira flexuosa (Montagu, 1803) sensu Suter, 1913, pl. 63, fig. 11 (1915), 19 x 17 mm.

Marcia (f.) H. & A. Adams, 1857, 2: 423, as Chione (Marcia), type species (SD Kobelt, 1881, Lfg. 10: 339, as Murcia [err. pro Mar-] Ad., glatte Arten mit dem Typus V. pinguis Chemn.) Venus opima Gmelin, 1791, ed. 13, 1(6): 3279, ref. Venus pinguis ... (not binominal) Chemnitz, 1782, 6: 355-356, pl. 34, figs. 355-357; Veneridae. (1) Eng. Marcia, the name of woman (岩崎, 1973), (2) proper name Marcou, Marcus; -ia. マーシャ(女子の名);マルスダレガイ科ダルマハマグリ属

Venus pinguis ... (not binominal) Chemnitz, 1782, pl. 34, figs. 355-357.

Margarita (f.) Leach, 1814, 1: 107-108, type species (M) Margarita sinensis Leach, 1814, 1: 108, pl. 48, [= Mytilus margaritiferus Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 704, ref. Buonanni, 1684, (2): pl. 1], objective synonym of Pinctada [Röding], 1798, (2): 166; Pteriidae. L. margarita, ae, f., and margaritum, i, n., a pearl (W. Smith & Lockwood, 1976). 真珠;ウグイスガイ科、アコヤガイ属の客観シノニムで無効

Margarita sinensis Leach, 1814, 1: 108, pl. 48.

Buonanni, 1684, (2): pl. 1.

二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Malletia-Mantellum)

2018-07-21 05:40:39 | 日記
二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Malletia-Mantellum)

Malletia (f.) des Moulins, 1832b, 5: 85-90, type species (M) Malletia chilensis des Moulins, 1832b, 5(25): 90-92, pl., figs. 1-8; Malletiidae. M. A. Mallet, Capitaine du navire le Pompée (des Moulins, 1832b, 5(25): 84); -ia, Gr. suffix, partaining to (Brown, 1956). Pompée号の船長A.マレに因む;スミゾメソデガイ科

Malletia chilensis des Moulins, 1832b, pl., figs. 1-8.

Malleus (m.) Lamarck, 1799, 1: 82, type species (M) Ostrea malleus Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 699, no. 177, syntype LSL, a conjoined specimen, box no. 184, Dance label image ref. G-M 1101244; Malleidae. L. malleus, i, m., marteau (Chenu, 1847a: 95; 1847b: 175; Fischer, 1886: 954), a hammer, mallet (W. Smith & Lockwood, 1976). ハンマー、木槌;シュモクガイ科シュモクガイ属

Ostrea malleus Linnaeus, 1758, syntype LSL, a conjoined specimen, box no. 184, Dance label image ref. G-M 1101244 (http://linean-online.org/17161/).

Malvufundus (m.) de Gregorio, 1885, 11: 122, new name for Fundella de Gregorio, 1884, 10: 72-73, non Zeller, 1848: 866, Lepid., type species (M) Fundella lioyi de Gregorio, 1884, 10: 73 [= Ostrea regula Forskaal, 1775: 124]; Malleidae. L. malva, ae, f., Gr. malach [malache], h, the mallow (Liddell & Scott, 1955; W. Smith & Lockwood, 1976); L. fundus, i, m., the bottom, lowest part (Lewis, 1915). アオイ科植物の根元;シュモクガイ科ヒリョウガイ属

Mantellum (n.) [Röding], 1798, (2): 160, type species (SD Bucqoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus, 1888, 2, (2-15): 53) Pecten inflatus … (not binominal) Chemnitz, 1784, 7: 346-348, pl. 68, fig. 649 lit. a [non Ostrea fasciata Linnaeus, 1767, ed. 12, 1(2): 1147, ref. Gualtieri, 1742, pl. 74, fig. E; Ostrea fasciata Linnaeus, 1767 sensu Schröter, 1786, 3: 320-321, ref. Chemnitz, 1784, pl. 68, fig. 649 lit. a etc.; Limidae. L. matelum, mantellum, i, n., a cloak (W. Smith & Lockwood, 1976). 外套(殻表の放射肋を西洋では外套、わが国では蓑に見立てた);ミノガイ科ユキミノガイ属

Pecten inflatus ... (not binominal) Chemnitz, 1784, pl. 68, fig. 649 lit. a.

Gualtieri, 1742, pl. 74, fig. E.

Mantellum (n.) Mörch, 1853, (2): 57, non [Röding], 1798, (2): 160, type species (SD Stoliczka, 1871, 3: 413) Ostrea hians Gmelin, 1791, ed. 13, 1(6): 3332, ref. Ostrea lima Linnaeus sensu Schröter, 1786, 3: 332, pl. 9, fig. 4; Mörch, 1853, (2): 57 put Pecten inflatus ... (not binominal) Chemnitz, 1784, 7: 346-348, pl. 68, fig. 649 lit. a and Ostra hians Gmelin, 1791, ed. 13, 1(6): 3332, ref. Ostrea lima Linnaeus sensu Schröter, 1786, 3: 332, pl. 9, fig. 4 in the genus Mantellum and Stoliczka, 1871: 413 selected Ostrea hians Gmelin, 1791 as type species, which was not included in the species of Mantellum [Röding], 1798; Limidae (objectice junior homonym of Mantellum [Röding], 1798. Mantellum [Röding], 1798の新参ホモニム

Ostrea lima Linnaeus sensu Schröter, 1786, pl. 9, fig. 4.

二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Magallana-Malleoperna)

2018-07-19 07:12:59 | 日記
二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Magallana-Malleoperna)

Magallana (f.) Salvi & Mariottini, 2016, 179(2): 271, type species (OD) Ostrea gigas Thunberg, 1793, 14(2): 140-142, pl. 6, figs. 1-3, the Asian Pacific; Ostreidae. Sp. Magallanes, in honour of the Portuguese explorer Fernão de Magalhães (Ferdinand Magellan), who crossed the Pacific Ocean in the first circumnavigation of the Earth (Salvi & Mariottini, 2016, 179(2): 12). 初めて太平洋を横断したポルトガルの探検家Fernão de Magalhães (Ferdinand Magellan)に因む;イタボガキ科イタボガキ属

Ostrea gigas Thunberg, 1793, pl. 6, figs. 1-3.

Magnavicula (f.) Iredale, 1939, 5(6), Moll. Part 1: 327, 331-332, type species (OD) Magnavicula bennetti Iredale, 1939, 5(6), Moll. Part 1: 332 [= Pinctada penguin [Röding], 1798, (2): 167, ref. Mytilus hirundo Gmelin, 1791, ed. 13, 1(6): 3357, Chemnitz, 1785, 8: 145-146, pl. 81, fig. 728 and Knorr, 1757, 2(6): pl. 2; Pteriidae. L. magnus, adj. A, great, large (W. Smith & Lockwood, 1976); Avicula Bruguière, 1792, 1: pl. 177:. 大形のウグイスガイ属;ウグイスガイ科ウグイスガイ属

Chemnitz, 1785, pl. 81, fig. 728.

Knorr, 1757, 2(6), pl. 2.

Malleolus (m.) Rafinesque, 1815: 147 [emend. pro Malleus Lamarck, 1799, 1: 82], type species (of Malleus Lamarck, 1799) Ostrea malleus Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 699, no. 177; Malleidae. L. diminitive of malleus, a small hammer or mallet (W. Smith & Lockwood, 1976). 小さな槌;シュモクガイ科シュモクガイ属(Malleus Lamarck, 1799の新参客観シノニム)

Malleolus (m.) Gray, 1847, part 15, for 1847: 188, non Rafinesque, 1815: 147, type species (T) Teredo malleolus Turton, 1822: 255, pl. 2, fig. 19; Teredinidae. 小さな槌;フナクイムシ科

Malleoperna (m.) Iredale, 1939, 5(6), Moll. Part 1: 319, 323-324, type species (OD) Malleoperna intricata Iredale, 1939, 5(6), Moll. Part 1: 324-325, pl. 5, figs. 3, 3a; Isognomonidae. L. malleus, i, m, a hammer, mallet (W. Smith & Lockwood, 1976); perna, a shell-fish employed by Pliny (Chenu, 1847a: 92; 1847b: 172; Woodward, 1868: 418, resembling a gammon). ハンマー形の二枚貝;マクガイ科

Malleoperna intricata Iredale, 1939, pl. 5, figs. 3, 3a.

二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Mactrinula-Mactrotoma)

2018-07-18 10:58:29 | 日記
二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Mactrinula-Mactrotoma)

Mactrinula (f.) Gray, 1853, [2], 11(61): 41, type species (M) Mactrinula plicaria Gray, 1853 [err. pro Mactra plicataria Linnaeus, 1767, ed. 12, 1(2): 1125]; Mactridae. (1) Mactrina Brown, 1827: pl. 16, fig. 25, Astartidae, or (2) Mactra Linnaeus, 1767, ed. 12, 1(2): 1125; -ina, pertaining to (Brown, 1956); -ula, diminutive suffix (Brown, 1956). 小さなバカガイ類Mactra;バカガイ科ソリタママキガイ属

Mactrodesma (n.) Conrad, 1869, 4(4): 247, type species (M) Mactra ponderosa Conrad, 1830, 6: 228, pl. 10, fig. 5; Conrad, 1838 in 1838-1845, (1): 25-26, pl. 14, fig. 1, non Eichwald, 1830: 207 [= Mactra subponderosa d’Orbigny, 1852, 3: 100, no. 1873]; Mactridae. Mactra Linnaeus, 1767; Gr. desma, atos, to, a bond, fetter, head-band (Liddell & Scott, 1955), ligament. バカガイ類の靭帯;バカガイ科

Mactra ponderosa Conrad, 1830, pl. 10, fig. 5.

Mactromeris (f.) Conrad, 1868, 3(3), App.: 45, type species (SD Stoliczka, 1871: xvi) Mactra ovalis Gould, 1839, 38(1): 196 [non J. Sowerby, 1817, 2: 136, pl. 160, fig. 5], = Mactra polynyma Stimposon, 1860, 2(6-3): 3]; Mactridae. Mactra Linnaeus, 1767; Gr. meris, medos, to, a part, portion, share, parcel (Liddell & Scott, 1955). バカガイ類の一部をなすもの;バカガイ科ナガウバガイ属

Mactrotoma (f.) Dall, 1894, 8(3): 26, as Mactra (Mactrotoma), type species (OD) Mactra fragilis Gmelin, 1791, ed. 13, 1(6): 3261, ref. Mactra fragilis, ... (not binominal) Chemnitz, 1782, 6: 236, pl. 24, fig. 235; Mactridae. Mactra Linnaeus, 1767; L. tomus, i, m, Gr. tomh [tome], h, the end left after cutting, a stump (Liddell & Scott, 1959). 切り株のバカガイ;バカガイ科ヒナミルガイ属

Mactra fragilis, ... (not binominal) Chemnitz, 1782, pl. 24, fig. 235.