仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!

another Wonderful Wednesday

2009年04月15日 | ★STARRY★

It's a beautiful day!!

Last night it rained so hard the power went out while I was using the computer.
I had to search through my house for a flash light.
By the time I found it, the lights came on one minute later. (haha)
I was getting ready for bed.

I stayed up late playing a DS game in Japanese!
I had to keep looking up difficult words like:
defendant = 被告人
victim = 被害者
Then the batteries ran out of my electric dictionary.
So I got some good sleep,
and I woke up early without an alarm

Lunch was excellent, since Yukiko and Rachael cooked red curry for Emi, Eric, and me!!

Good luck everyone!!
Eat lots, study hard, and play hard!!


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