F R I D A aaaaaaa Y
HI.... this is Travis sensei
Little update for you about my health....I AM DOING GREAT....THANK YOU. To see all of your faces everyday makes me happy and heals my body and soul... Thank you . I still have a few health checks from May to July, but the checks I am doing now, my doctors say they are amazed at my recovery and I have NO problems. Thank you Jesus I have so much power to work hard all week, ride my bike to Starry every day (except Friday, it is too dangerous) and ride around Sendai on my days off, volunteering for the homeless people.
Have you noticed all the flowers and planters on Starry porch The flowers are from spring break events and lately I have been planting sunflowers and lavender. I am planting three types of sunflowers this year. I am not very good at gardening but I love it anyway.
Have a beautiful weekend....love you all....Travis sensei
P.S. We are all having fun, getting ready for STARRY SUMMER CAMP 2019...LOTS OF NEW FUN GAMES AND ACTIVITIES THIS YEAR