仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!

``Xiao long bao`` Chinese dim sum

2022年07月22日 | ★STARRY★

To be honest, I only had the first bite of xiao long bao when I was in my 20’s!

I grew up eating normal Chinese dim sum in the Philippines because dim sum/dumplings

are everywhere. But eating a xiao long bao is not available in a normal food stall or

in the mall unless you will go to an authentic Chinese restaurant or China town in your place.    

Xiao long bao is the most delicate Chinese dim sum on earth. It has a delicate skin with

the savory meat filling and a high umami soup holding within the pleated pouch.

You will be amazed by the treasure elixir oozing from the paper-thin skin when you poke

it gently with the chopsticks. Dip the pouch into the vinegar-soy-ginger sauce and stuff

into your mouth gluttonously, the feeling is like halfway to paradise.



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