仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!

LA Wild Fire

2025年01月17日 | ★STARRY★

It`s been a week since I left Los Angeles. Los Angeles left me a good memory that I will treasure for my whole life. Los Angeles offered the best experience and that`s a jackpot. But I was saddened when my cousin called me and saw the news on the internet that Los Angeles was on fire. It`s like a day after I left Los Angeles going back to Japan. Maybe I will say I`m lucky I was not there when the fire started. But I felt sorry for the victims of the wildfire, houses were burnt and the fire took lives.   


 ( I took this photo because I was amazed by the view. My cousin told me that you can see the fire over that mountain. )

I remember that I always took the Pacific Coast Highway going to downtown LA because I didn’t want to use the expressway because the cars were really fast and drivers in America had road rage. That`s why I`m very cautious. Driving all the way using PCH was fun because you are literally beside the seashore and enjoy the view, pass Malibu, and Santa Monica and you can see Palisades all the way. I saw the news on the internet that Palisades was on fire and some part of California and I was shocked that the beautiful hill crest place was burnt into ashes.


( They sent me a video around their area and the smoke covered  LA sky. ) 

I hope and pray that all the victims of the wildfire will be ok. I know they can get through this catastrophe.


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