仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!

My Christmas Tree

2022年11月18日 | ★STARRY★

Growing up in a Roman Catholic country, putting up a Christmas tree is very important to us. The Christmas Tree symbolizes the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a representation of the tree in the Garden of Eden and it is also a reminder that we are all children of God who should love one another.


But why until now I still carry our Christmas tradition? It`s just a simple answer. It shows respect to my family and told us, that putting up a Christmas tree is not just a tradition, it’s a reminder that the Christmas tree is a symbol of the love for family. So, I put up my own Christmas tree last night.

I have many reasons why I still enjoy putting up a Christmas tree. One, I just love Christmas. I love to sit and look at the lights on the tree in the evenings….so the more evenings I have to enjoy the lights the happier I am. I can sit and look at twinkling lights and just be filled with joy! It is my happy place for sure.

Second, there is somewhere to put the gifts. It is nice to have a place to put gifts as I get them wrapped. I don`t always get gifts wrapped really early. It is so nice to just slide them under the tree instead of stacking the gifts in the corner. 


The bottom line is that putting my tree up MAKES me happy and remember the love of my family. So why not! It isn`t a tradition that hurts anyone…so why not just bring a little more joy and happiness into the season by having longer to enjoy it!



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