Relaxing is a great way to unwind and regain the energy that you need to keep your body moving and your mind flawlessly working. Energy is the fuel for all the challenges. You can`t just consume it without refilling. Energy is not unlimited. Although it’s not material, it manifests in a physical world with your actions and decisions. The fresher energy you have, the better decisions you make.
After a busy Saturday at work. I decided to take a rest and sleep all day to regain my energy. Sleeping all day makes me relax and have the energy to go out again and relax together with nature and try new hobbies.
I tried baking dinner rolls since I don’t have any experience baking bread aside from cheesecakes.
After baking. I headed to Arahama Beach in the afternoon for a walk and feel the sea breeze. I have a special connection with the sea since I grew up swimming during the weekend on the beach.
Spending time in nature is perhaps one of the most relishing relaxation activities for us adults. If you live in a bustling city, perhaps it’s hard for you to reconnect with nature. Luckily my place is close to nature.
It’s highly important to be productive, take your time when you can, and renew your energy. Energizing can be both useful and fun!