仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!

I can't wait!

2025年02月21日 | ★STARRY★






いよいよこの夏、宮城にもForest Adventureがやってくるようです!


自然の中で体を動かし遊べる…アウトドアパーク、塩釜市に7月整備へ ジップラインなど設置(宮城)(ミヤギテレビ) - Yahoo!ニュース

自然の中で体を動かし遊べる…アウトドアパーク、塩釜市に7月整備へ ジップラインなど設置(宮城)(ミヤギテレビ) - Yahoo!ニュース






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Angler Fish

2025年02月21日 | ★STARRY★

Recently, there was a rare sighting of a deep-sea creature called the black sea devil or the angler fish surfacing the ocean before death. The angler fish lives in a 6,500-foot-deep shallow sea, and even sunlight can`t reach the bottom of the shallow water called the Midnight zone. The expert does not know why the anglerfish was swimming in shallow waters, but they suspect it may be due to illness, a change in currents, or the creature was escaping a predator.


Social media users had a different perspective on the anglerfish. Some of the social media users said that over the fish`s last brave swim, they wondered what the black sea devil anglerfish may have been thinking as it swam upward toward the light in some of its last few moments of life.


I literally can't stop picturing her swimming all the way and reaching the ocean`s surface because she was just a palm-sized fish and her body was built to last the strong pressure in her habitat. Like what do you think she was thinking? Like was she proud of herself? There was a saying even in darkness, there is a glimmer of hope. No matter how deep the ocean or vast the unknown, there is always a way forward. Sometimes, the light we need is within us.


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