仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!

Sendai Oktoberfest

2024年09月27日 | ★STARRY★

Sendai has many things to offer from its great scenery and festivals. One of the festivals that I always waiting for is the Sendai Oktoberfest. I went to the last day of Oktoberfest. It was fun I experienced again great food, drinks, and live music. It was a lovely and lively day in the festival.  Oktoberfest in Tohoku is something special. The event is not literally in October, it's not just one day or a week long. But it was celebrated in September for almost a month.  Nishikicho Park is filled with Japanese people and the international community, united for their love of beer from a distant land. Easily accessible via a five-minute walk from Kotodaikoen Station, there are countless chances to enjoy this afternoon and evening event.

Although undoubtedly not as large as the Oktoberfest events of larger cities, the modest-sized Nishikicho Park still manages to squeeze in two beer halls, about a dozen storefronts selling drinks and food, and enough inside and outside seating that you can usually find a spot easily if attending with a small group.

I`ve been to Sendai Oktoberfest twice but I was fascinated with the Cup Trade-In System. In order to cut down on one-time-use plastic waste, Sendai Oktoberfest employs the environmentally friendly cup trade-in system, which is widely used in festivals all over Europe. You just need to purchase your first drink you will pay an additional 1000 yen for the cup as a deposit. Bring your cup with you when you purchase any subsequent drink and only pay the price of the drink and before you leave the festival grounds, be sure to trade in your cup in return for 1000 yen.

If you want to enjoy, meet and be friends with Japanese or foreigners I would recommend this kind of festival. I had a good time.


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