アメリカのエレクトロアーティストLapsed と nonnonのコラボレーションアルバムがドイツのエレクトロ系レーベルAd Noiseamより2007/10/22にリリースされる。

01. Better Your Best
02. Dead End Stare (feat. Buck Dexter)
03. Cdatakill welcome
04. Surge
05. Nothing Left
06. Ad Noiseam
07. God Is A Glitch (feat. Nongenetic, Subtitle and Bleubird)
08. Hapless Plastic (remix by Ra)
09. Rainy Day Parade
10. Moff
11. Z Crazy Eyes (Album Version)
12. Kill the Messenger (feat. Nonsense)
13. Mirthless Method
14. Surge (remix by Mothboy)
Nothing Left
Detritus - Fractured

01. Desolate (5-htp mix)
02. Collide
03. Detrimental
04. Inside Blue Ice
05. Shifts
06. Lethe
07. Diolch
08. Interrupted
09. Dancing On Moonbeans
10. Interrupted (DJ Hidden remix)
11. Dancing On Moonbeans (Weeping mix by Keef Baker)
Scorn - Stealth

1. Stripped Back Hinge
2. Rove
3. Glugged
4. Running Rig
5. Snag
6. The Palomar
7. Enough To Hold Bottom
8. 1.75 TC
Bong-Ra - Full Metal Racket

1. Terrorizah
2. Slaytronic
3 . Necrogoat
4. Earache
5. Bloody Cenotaph
6. Jo Bench
7. Ram Waster
8 . Dstrctv
9. Grindkrush (remix by Doormouse)
10. Painkiller (remix by Sickboy)

01. Better Your Best
02. Dead End Stare (feat. Buck Dexter)
03. Cdatakill welcome
04. Surge
05. Nothing Left
06. Ad Noiseam
07. God Is A Glitch (feat. Nongenetic, Subtitle and Bleubird)
08. Hapless Plastic (remix by Ra)
09. Rainy Day Parade
10. Moff
11. Z Crazy Eyes (Album Version)
12. Kill the Messenger (feat. Nonsense)
13. Mirthless Method
14. Surge (remix by Mothboy)
Nothing Left
Detritus - Fractured

01. Desolate (5-htp mix)
02. Collide
03. Detrimental
04. Inside Blue Ice
05. Shifts
06. Lethe
07. Diolch
08. Interrupted
09. Dancing On Moonbeans
10. Interrupted (DJ Hidden remix)
11. Dancing On Moonbeans (Weeping mix by Keef Baker)
Scorn - Stealth

1. Stripped Back Hinge
2. Rove
3. Glugged
4. Running Rig
5. Snag
6. The Palomar
7. Enough To Hold Bottom
8. 1.75 TC
Bong-Ra - Full Metal Racket

1. Terrorizah
2. Slaytronic
3 . Necrogoat
4. Earache
5. Bloody Cenotaph
6. Jo Bench
7. Ram Waster
8 . Dstrctv
9. Grindkrush (remix by Doormouse)
10. Painkiller (remix by Sickboy)