ドイツのエレクトロ ゴシック系レーベルOut Of Line Musicより下記2タイトルがリリースされる。
HOCICO – Dog eat Dog (限定デジパック仕様ミニアルバム)

01. Dog Eat Dog
02. Escape The Spell
03. Dog Eat Dog (Arsch Dolls remix)
04. Dog Eat Dog (Aesthetic Perfection remix)
05. Dog Eat Dog (Doggy Style remix by Solitary Experiments)
06. Dog Eat Dog (Diabolic Art remix)
HOCICO – Dog eat Dog (限定7”アルバム)

01. Dog Eat Dog
02. Breathe Me Tonight

ASHBURY HEIGHTS – Take Cair Paramour (限定デジパック仕様2枚組アルバム)

01. Anti Ordinary
02. Beautiful Scum
03. Scars of a Lighthouse
04. I can kill you so easily
05. Hope
06. Crescendo
07. Shades of Black
08. The Ashes in her Breath
09. Night Creature
10. Medicine
11. Dancer's Nocturne
12. Kingdom Confession
13. Unbearable Beauty
14. Invisible Man
01. Invisible Man - Electro Remix
02. Dark Clouds gather over Vanity Fair [Soundtrack from the short film Defiant Skies]
03. Shades of Black - Charriere Remix
04. Sensual Nothing - Exclusive Track
05. Unbearable Beauty - DeLorean Remix
06. Unbearable Beauty - Twisted Remix
07. Unbearable Beauty - Technological Remix
08. Traffic - TCP demo 2008
09. The Velvets - TCP Demo 2008
HOCICO – Dog eat Dog (限定デジパック仕様ミニアルバム)

01. Dog Eat Dog
02. Escape The Spell
03. Dog Eat Dog (Arsch Dolls remix)
04. Dog Eat Dog (Aesthetic Perfection remix)
05. Dog Eat Dog (Doggy Style remix by Solitary Experiments)
06. Dog Eat Dog (Diabolic Art remix)
HOCICO – Dog eat Dog (限定7”アルバム)

01. Dog Eat Dog
02. Breathe Me Tonight

ASHBURY HEIGHTS – Take Cair Paramour (限定デジパック仕様2枚組アルバム)

01. Anti Ordinary
02. Beautiful Scum
03. Scars of a Lighthouse
04. I can kill you so easily
05. Hope
06. Crescendo
07. Shades of Black
08. The Ashes in her Breath
09. Night Creature
10. Medicine
11. Dancer's Nocturne
12. Kingdom Confession
13. Unbearable Beauty
14. Invisible Man
01. Invisible Man - Electro Remix
02. Dark Clouds gather over Vanity Fair [Soundtrack from the short film Defiant Skies]
03. Shades of Black - Charriere Remix
04. Sensual Nothing - Exclusive Track
05. Unbearable Beauty - DeLorean Remix
06. Unbearable Beauty - Twisted Remix
07. Unbearable Beauty - Technological Remix
08. Traffic - TCP demo 2008
09. The Velvets - TCP Demo 2008