Septicflesh - Amphibians 13時間前
Avantasia - Here Be Dragons 15時間前
Blodkarsk - Stupmorke 2日前
Blodkarsk - Stupmorke 2日前
Corvus Corax - Tausend Jahre Tanzmusik 2日前
Uncion - Vade Retro Semper Dio 3日前
Xenotrone - Tower of Madness / Elysium 3日前
Nachtschatten - Polaris 4日前
Iku-Turso - Beyond the Great Vast Forest 5日前
Schavot - Verstrikt in halflicht 5日前
Avantasia - The Metal Opera
FM – Tonight
Nachtschatten - Prolog
The Ladder – The Ladder
Blind Guardian, Lucifer's Heritage – Symphonies Of Doom & Battalions Of Fear
Loud & Clear – Loud & Clear
David Pack – Anywhere You Go....
Bleeding Fist - Macabrum Bestia Ex Abyssus
Riotor - Fucking Metal
Epilepsia - Human Race Extermination