英語で母校は alma mater(アルマ、マター) ラテン語です。
同級生 alumni(アラムナイ) これは複数形で、単数形は alumnus(アラムナス)
いままで母校のことを My Mother schoolと合っているのかも分からず
○routine chore
○simple no-brainer chores
Make yourself necessary to somebody.
Ralph Waldo Emerson(U.S. author, poet and philosopher, 1803-82)
このRalph Waldo Emersonはよく目にする人なのですが、実際どういう人なのかいまいち知りませんでした。
キリスト教のユニテリアン派の牧師、聖職者(minister となっているので)
Ralph Waldo Emerson was born on May 25, 1803 in Boston, Massachusetts. He is widely regarded as one of America's most influential authors, philosophers and thinkers.(彼はアメリカでもっとも影響力のある作家、哲学者、そして思想化のひとりである。) At one time a Unitarian minister, Emerson left his pastorate because of doctrinal disputes with his superiors. Soon after, on a trip to Europe, he met a number of intellectuals, including Thomas Carlyle and William Wordsworth.
The ideas of these men, along with those of Plato(プラトン) and some of the Hindu(ヒンズー教), Buddhist,(仏教) and Persian thinkers(ペルシアの思想家), strongly influenced his development of the philosophy of "Transcendentalism"(超自然的な、観念論?). In 1836 Emerson expressed Transcendentalism's main principle of the "mystical unity of nature"(自然の神秘的な統一?) in his essay, "Nature".
Emerson urged independent thinking and stressesd that not all life's answers are found in books.(エマーソンは独立した考えを力説し、本の中から人生の全てを見つけられないと強調した。) In his "The American Scholar" address to the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Cambridge in 1837 Emerson states that: "Books are the best of things, well used; abused, among the worst." (本は最高のものだ、よく使われ、濫用され、(最悪な使い方もされた?ちょっとわかりません。)He believed that a scholar learns best by engaging life. Emerson's essays on "The Conduct of Life" outline what one might do to engage life "skillfully."
同級生 alumni(アラムナイ) これは複数形で、単数形は alumnus(アラムナス)
いままで母校のことを My Mother schoolと合っているのかも分からず
○routine chore
○simple no-brainer chores
Make yourself necessary to somebody.
Ralph Waldo Emerson(U.S. author, poet and philosopher, 1803-82)
このRalph Waldo Emersonはよく目にする人なのですが、実際どういう人なのかいまいち知りませんでした。
キリスト教のユニテリアン派の牧師、聖職者(minister となっているので)
Ralph Waldo Emerson was born on May 25, 1803 in Boston, Massachusetts. He is widely regarded as one of America's most influential authors, philosophers and thinkers.(彼はアメリカでもっとも影響力のある作家、哲学者、そして思想化のひとりである。) At one time a Unitarian minister, Emerson left his pastorate because of doctrinal disputes with his superiors. Soon after, on a trip to Europe, he met a number of intellectuals, including Thomas Carlyle and William Wordsworth.
The ideas of these men, along with those of Plato(プラトン) and some of the Hindu(ヒンズー教), Buddhist,(仏教) and Persian thinkers(ペルシアの思想家), strongly influenced his development of the philosophy of "Transcendentalism"(超自然的な、観念論?). In 1836 Emerson expressed Transcendentalism's main principle of the "mystical unity of nature"(自然の神秘的な統一?) in his essay, "Nature".
Emerson urged independent thinking and stressesd that not all life's answers are found in books.(エマーソンは独立した考えを力説し、本の中から人生の全てを見つけられないと強調した。) In his "The American Scholar" address to the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Cambridge in 1837 Emerson states that: "Books are the best of things, well used; abused, among the worst." (本は最高のものだ、よく使われ、濫用され、(最悪な使い方もされた?ちょっとわかりません。)He believed that a scholar learns best by engaging life. Emerson's essays on "The Conduct of Life" outline what one might do to engage life "skillfully."