

We held a jam session at Shimoda City's big event [79th Shimoda black ship Festival].

2018-05-25 23:41:21 | 音楽
May 20, 2018, Shimoda, Shizuoka Prefecture maximum of big events - the 79th Shimoda Black Ship Festival] (Shimoda Black Ship Festival) rock 'n' roll band MIMORYIZU to play the Izu your local song (Mimoriizu) Starring-performance Did. The festival of Shimoda-shi, Shimoda-ken [Shimoda Kurobe Festival] is a festival held every Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the third Saturday of May. In 2018, it was held for three days from May 18th to 20th. During this period, many tourists visit local people, from inside and outside the prefecture. We are proud of the popularity that there are some customers who visit Shimoda city according to this festival! In this festival that began in Showa 9, a parade walks around and the commemorative ceremony and the like are done in the city of Reta's opening city · Shimoda. Also the children are also excited [Bakumatsu Cosplay Show] and [Maritime fireworks display] etc. Events that can actually participate will surely remain in the memories of all the family members It is an event that can be enjoyed even by people who are not interested in history and are full of other places of interest. Even sleep the end of the Edo period of the original geisha-Tojin Okichi in the city MAIMAI Street, also borrowed the parking lot of the historic temple, Hachimanyama Takarafukutera that Ryoma Sakamoto has traveled this year, MIMORY (Mimori) (Vocal & Guitar) · Ogura MIMORY IZe (Mimolize) was formed as a single live unit formed by the crew of Mr. Taketan (LeadGuitar), Mr. Tsutsumi (Bass) Taku (Drums). The performance song was played by 2 singles 4 songs in this local song of Izu. After the live concert, I made an instant band with the musicians who came as audiences, and performed a jam session of Mimory's original song [Amagi Yagashima rock 'n roll], it was a lot of excitement.

"下田黒船祭2018  幕末市ライブ(番外編) 『天城湯ヶ島ロックンロール』" を YouTube で見る

I played at Shimoda City's biggest event [79th Shimoda Kurobe Festival].

2018-05-25 18:59:36 | 伊豆
May 20, 2018, Shimoda, Shizuoka Prefecture maximum of big events - the 79th Shimoda Black Ship Festival] (Shimoda Black Ship Festival) rock 'n' roll band MIMORY-IZU to play the Izu your local song (Mimoriizu) Starring-performance Did.

 The festival of Shimoda-shi, Shimoda-ken [Shimoda Kurobe Festival] is a festival held every Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the third Saturday of May. 2018 was held for three days from May 18th to 20th

During this period, many tourists visit local people, from inside and outside the prefecture. We are proud of the popularity that there are some customers who visit Shimoda city according to this festival!

 In this festival that began in Showa 9, a parade walks around and the commemorative ceremony and the like are done in the city of Reta's opening city · Shimoda.

Also the children are also excited [Bakumatsu Cosplay Show] and [Maritime fireworks display] etc. Events that can actually participate will surely remain in the memories of all the family members It is an event that can be enjoyed even by people who are not interested in history and are full of other places of interest.

 Momory (Mimorie) (Vocal & Guitar) · Ogura (Mimorie) (Mimorie) (Moccasin) · Mr. Ogura borrowed the parking lot of the historic temple · Hachiman-san Bao Fukushiji that Sakamoto Ryoma went on a journey asleeping the former geisha at the end of the Tokugawa shrine, It became a sole live of the lock unit MIMORY - IZU (Mimolize), which was formed with a crew of Ms. Lead Guitar, Mr. Tsutsumi (Bass) Taku (Drums).

"下田黒船祭2018 幕末市ライブ 『ボンネットバス伊豆の踊子号』" を YouTube で見る

"下田黒船祭2018 幕末市ライブ 『夏色の季節』" を YouTube で見る

"下田黒船祭2018 幕末市ライブ 『修善寺のブルースマン』" を YouTube で見る

The performance song was played by 2 singles 4 songs in this local song of Izu.


2018-05-25 09:20:34 | 音楽
2018年5月20日、静岡県下田市最大のビッグイベント【第79回 下田黒船まつり】(Shimoda Black Ship Festival)に伊豆ご当地ソングを演奏するロックンロールバンドMIMORY-IZU(ミモリーイズ)が出演・演奏しました。





今年も市内マイマイ通りにある幕末の元芸者・唐人お吉が眠り、また坂本龍馬が旅立ったという歴史ある寺院・八幡山宝福寺の駐車場を借り、MIMORY(ミモリー)(Vocal&Guitar)・小倉さん(LeadGuitar)・堤さん(Bass) Takuさん(Drums)の布陣で結成されたロックユニットMIMORY-IZU (ミモリーイズ) 単独ライブとなりました。



"下田黒船祭2018  幕末市ライブ(番外編) 『天城湯ヶ島ロックンロール』" を YouTube で見る