

11型iPad ProとSurface Goをキーボードセットで比べてみた (1/2)(ITmedia PCUSER)

2019-06-13 23:53:36 | SNS

Googleストアにて「Google Pixel 3」が26,000円オフに 父の日セール(iPhone Mania)

2019-06-13 23:50:18 | SNS

【MLB】前田健太の夫人の着物姿に米で称賛の声 一方で同僚の装いには…「これはあかん」(livedoorNEWS)

2019-06-13 23:47:47 | SNS


2019-06-13 23:46:53 | SNS

「7段ピラミッド」は危険 行わないよう求める 文科相 (NHK NEWS WEB)

2019-06-13 23:43:16 | SNS


2019-06-13 07:50:01 | SNS


2019-06-13 07:44:30 | SNS
06:51 村上博行 Good morning.
06:51 kate Thank you so much
06:51 kate I'm happy to meet you here
06:52 村上博行 My name is Hiroyuki Murakami.
06:53 kate Oh nice name
06:53 kate My name is Kate
06:54 村上博行 Do you know Japan?
06:54 kate 画像
06:54 kate No but i want to settle down in japan after my mission next month
06:55 kate 画像
06:55 kate When are you coming back to japan ?
06:55 kate ??
06:56 村上博行 Please come to Japan.
06:56 村上博行 画像
06:56 村上博行 画像
06:57 村上博行 画像
06:57 村上博行 I am a fractal designer.
06:57 kate Wow look handsome
06:58 kate The world is wonderfully made, i will like to know about the weather condition over there in your country?
06:59 村上博行 It is early summer.
06:59 kate Okay Afghanistan is hot wather now
07:00 村上博行 That's a problem.
07:00 kate How`s the situation of things over there in regards to the economic standard and security?
07:02 村上博行 Japan is without security.
07:03 kate Oh okay i want to invest for good business after my mission in japan because i want to live in japan after my mission
07:03 kate 人生は貴重であり、私は国民の経済が良い政府と人々の理解の結果として成長すると思います、あなたはどう思いますか?
07:04 村上博行 Japan's country is recommended.
07:05 村上博行 I think the same way,
07:06 kate Although we just got to know each other,Well I will appreciate us being good friends in sincerity,honesty and trust. to share ideas and discuss about more
07:08 村上博行 Okey.
07:08 kate Yes i'm happy to meet you as my friend
07:09 kate you are my first and only friend,i would like our friendship to be base on truth,trust believe and honesty.
07:09 村上博行 I think so, too.
07:10 村上博行 I am a representative of a volunteer group.
07:10 kate Yes let's be good friends
07:10 kate What are your Hobbies,Religious beliefs and Plans for the future...?
07:12 村上博行 My hobby is to make fractal images.
07:13 村上博行 画像
07:13 村上博行 画像
07:13 kate My Hobbies are reading newspapers,watching tv,listening to music,Sport, Swimming, Traveling around the world ,my Religion is Roman Catholic and i am a christian.
07:13 村上博行 画像
07:14 村上博行 I am atheist.
07:14 kate 私は170センチメートル、黒い髪、茶色の目、そして75キロです。私はとても愛情があり、思いやりがあり、非常に正直です。
あなたはどうですか ?
07:16 村上博行 I am 172 cm.
07:16 kate Okay you are handsome man
07:16 村上博行 I am also honest
07:16 kate Please send me your pictures here
07:17 村上博行 I do not have a photo now.
07:17 kate Ok
07:18 kate My plans is to go into Gold business company after my retirement though i know nothing about business since i have lived my quality years in the Army force
07:19 村上博行 I smoke. please wait a moment.
07:20 kate Okay
07:22 村上博行 I'm back.
07:22 kate Okay
07:22 kate What is your favorite color?
07:24 村上博行 Moss green.
07:24 kate okay. what is the color of you car?
07:25 村上博行 I do not have a car.
07:26 kate Okay i have white car because i love cars
07:27 村上博行 As you are old you do not need a license.
07:27 kate 画像
07:28 村上博行 It is beautiful.
07:28 村上博行 I like Lamborghini.
07:28 kate Ok
07:28 kate Why you don't have car you don't like cars ?
07:29 村上博行 画像
07:30 村上博行 I like Lamborghini since I was in junior high school.
07:30 kate Okay do you want to buy it
07:31 村上博行 I have no money.
07:32 kate oh i'm sorry to hear that
07:32 kate Are you right handed or left handed?
07:33 村上博行 Right handed
07:34 kate handsome
07:34 kate If you were giving three chances to make a choice in life what would you do?
07:34 村上博行 When do you retire?
07:35 村上博行 What time is it?
07:36 kate 03:05
07:36 kate I will leave from Afghanistan next month
07:38 村上博行 Do you come to Japan then?
07:39 村上博行 I have to work.
07:41 村上博行 Today's line ends.
07:42 村上博行 See you on line again..
07:43 村上博行 Please login to the line when you are free.

Xperia XZ3がiPhone人気の中に食い込む! スマートフォン売れ筋ランキング(livedoorNEWS)

2019-06-13 07:36:23 | SNS


2019-06-13 05:36:12 | SNS

デートの別れ際に男性が落ち込んでしまうNG言動4選 締めくくり大事!(modelpress)

2019-06-13 05:28:02 | SNS

総務省職員を書類送検 知人男性妻にわいせつ容疑(gooニュース)

2019-06-13 05:23:34 | SNS