

Knowing God knows

2013-05-31 14:45:55 | book
It is time once again to open this blog and update on the results of Mark's latest MRI. Report says "No Changes" so we are praising the Lord once again for this good news and another boost to keep on going!

Mark is also allowed to eliminate one of the supplements he was taking :) Still staying away from sugar for the most part, of course that is being very intentional at home so that when we are out and about he can relax a bit. Immune system appears to be recovering nicely.

Mark made an appointment for me last night too. Those of you who see me know I've got something going on with my right hand. Tests are ordered and a specific diet will be given to me. For now I'm also supposed to stay away from sugar...this is likely one of the hardest things I've ever done when it comes to applying will power. So I'm thinking this Will Power and I had better work on improving our acquaintance

Knowing God knows...

Knowing God cares...

Knowing God is in control...we surrender to Him and choose to praise Him no matter what the circumstances are.