

世界の警察官に感謝 【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2018-02-26a 】 あなたの毎日1600: スピンアウトした結果

2018-02-26 11:17:50 | ホワイトハウスからのメール


【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2018-02-26a 】









一部の民主党でも、ペロシ氏の行を破っている。 「1年に数千ドルが「クラムス」だとは思わない」とジョン・ヤルムス議員(D-KY)は述べた。彼はまさに正しいのです。













トンプル大統領のCPACスピーチを10:05 ETにライブで見る




通路の反対側からの2人の上院議員。 Jim InhofeR-OK)とSheldon WhitehouseD-RI)上院議員は、今週のウォールストリートジャーナルを見て、大統領の超党派インフラストラクチャー法案への要求に加わる。


トロン議長は、国務省の演説で、国家のインフラ整備と将来への投資を約束する広範な超党派のインフラ・パッケージを求めた」と述べた。 "我々はそれが起こることができ、起こることを知っている。


上院議員は正しい、そして大部分のアメリカ人は同意する。新しいラスムッセン・レポートによると、有権者の65%がアメリカのインフラを再構築する大統領の大胆な計画を支持している。その計画は、ワシントンを脱出させることから始まる。 「アメリカ人は、トランプ大統領がインフラストラクチャーの提案に規制の合理化を加えたというニュースを歓迎すべきだ」とオクラホマの編集委員は記している。


詳細:President Trumpのインフラストラクチャ計画のサポートが引き続き構築されています。



ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領は州と地方の関係者と会い、学校の安全について話し合う| 2018222日(Shealah Craigheadによる公式ホワイトハウス写真)



今日の午後、トランプ大統領とメアニア・トランプ大統領は、マルコム・ターンブル首相とオーストラリアのターンブル夫人をホワイトハウスに歓迎する予定です。 2人の指導者は、昼食に参加する前に会い、後に共同記者会見を開く。午後、大統領はレックスティラーソン国務長官と会う予定です。









【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-02-26a 】


Your 1600 Daily:


Results drown out spin
On January 11, less than three weeks after President Donald J. Trump signed the most sweeping tax overhaul in American history, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) labeled the benefits that American workers are seeing as “crumbs.”

That comment hasn’t aged well. According to a New York Times poll conducted by SurveyMonkey this month, a majority of Americans approve of the tax law signed by President Trump in December. There is little mystery why. As of this week, 377 companies have announced worker bonuses, raises, or 401(k) boosts as a result of tax cuts, according to the nonprofit Americans for Tax Reform.

Even some Democrats are breaking from Rep. Pelosi’s line. “I wouldn't say a couple thousand dollars a year is ‘crumbs,’” Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY) said. He’s exactly right.

More Democrats should take note: On tax cuts, Americans believe results more than spin.

Watch President Trump speak live at CPAC at 10:05 a.m. ET
The Trump Administration is making a strong showing this week at the Conservative Political Action Conference’s 2018 annual meeting. The lineup includes Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of Energy Rick Perry, Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, and other senior Administration officials.

Today, President Trump joins that list with a keynote address to the conference.

I stand here today with profound gratitude to say that because of all of you, because of the conservative majorities in Congress that you helped elect, and because of the strong leadership of the President you put in the White House, 2017 was the most consequential year in the history of the conservative movement,” Vice President Pence told CPAC attendees yesterday.

And tomorrow, you’ll hear firsthand from the man who galvanized that movement.”

Watch President Trump’s CPAC speech live at 10:05 ET.

Bipartisan support builds for the President’s infrastructure plan
Two senators from opposite sides of the aisle—Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)—took to The Wall Street Journal this week to join the President’s call for a bipartisan infrastructure bill.

During his State of the Union address, President Trump called for a broad bipartisan infrastructure package, pledging to improve the nation’s infrastructure and invest in the future,” the pair wrote. “We know that it can, and will, happen.”

The senators are right—and most Americans agree. According to a new Rasmussen Reports poll, 65 percent of likely voters favor President Trump’s bold plan to rebuild American infrastructure. That plan starts with getting Washington out of the way. “Americans should welcome news that President Trump has included regulatory streamlining in his infrastructure proposal,” the editorial board of The Oklahoman writes.

Learn more: Support continues to build for President Trump’s infrastructure plan.

Photo of the Day

President Donald J. Trump meets with state and local officials to discuss school safety | February 22, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)


This afternoon, President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will welcome Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Mrs. Turnbull of Australia to the White House. The two leaders will meet before participating in a working lunch, and later hold a joint press conference. In the afternoon, the President will meet with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

Today, Vice President Pence and the Second Lady will host a luncheon for members of the National Governors Association. The Vice President will later participate in a meeting with Prime Minister Turnbull.


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