【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2018-02-28A 】
「最も重要なのは、学校や公共の安全に関する一般的な安全について話し合うことです。しかし、学校の安全。私たちはこれを続けることはできません "と大統領は言いました。
キャンペーン・トレールでは、トランプ大統領は、二国間貿易協定を厳しくし、貿易赤字を修正し、NAFTAを近代化する有権者に約束した。 "それはまさにアメリカ人が投票したものです。"
約3週間前、パース副大統領は、韓国のカレン・フェンス夫人と一緒に、オリンピック代表団を平昌開会式に導いた。この過去の週末、Ivanka Trumpは閉会式で米国の指導者を代表しました。
「それはラップです!」トランプはつぶやきました。 「私は#WinterOlympicsですばらしい数日後、米国の#TeamUSAアスリートを誇りに思ってアメリカに戻り、アメリカの夢が#平昌の新しい記録と歴史的な成果になることを嬉しく思いました。
ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領、2018年ホワイトハウス・ビジネスセッションで州知事と| 2018年2月26日(Shealah Craigheadによる公式ホワイトハウス写真)

【USA Mail magazine from the White House 2018-02-28A 】
Your 1600 Daily:
‘Turn our grief into action’ President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence addressed nearly 80 percent of the Nation’s governors yesterday at a bipartisan business session at the White House. Although the President highlighted many successes from the past year—including tax reform and early signs that tough sanctions against North Korea are working—he told attendees that one issue should be at the top of everyone’s mind.
“Most importantly, we want to discuss the public safety in schools and public safety, generally. But school safety. We can’t have this go on,” the President said.
“But we will turn our grief into action,” President Trump continued. “We have to take steps to harden our schools so that they are less vulnerable to attack.” The President specifically mentioned better regulating of bump stocks, addressing mental health concerns, and improving early warning response systems to help diminish the risk of violence.
Watch a short recap of President Trump’s meeting with America’s governors.
Fixing NAFTA This afternoon, President Trump will sit down with Republican lawmakers from the House Ways and Means Committee to share how his Administration wants to improve the North American Free Trade Agreement for all Americans.
Here is a preview of what the President plans to say:
To build on the incredible success of tax reform, our Nation’s leaders must make sure that America’s trade deals aren’t shipping jobs overseas.
On the campaign trail, President Trump promised voters he would get tough with bilateral trade agreements, fix the trade deficit, and modernize NAFTA. “That is exactly what the American people voted for.”
Smart trade means reciprocal trade, and that starts with tariffs. U.S. tariffs should match those of our trading partners, which will put pressure on other countries to embrace freer trade.
Learn more: America has finally turned the page on decades of unfair trade deals.
‘And that’s a wrap!’ About three weeks ago, Vice President Pence traveled to South Korea with Second Lady Karen Pence to lead the American Olympic delegation into the Pyeongchang Opening Ceremony. This past weekend, Ivanka Trump represented U.S. leaders at the Closing Ceremony.
“And that’s a wrap!” Trump tweeted. “I return to the US after an incredible few days at the #WinterOlympics deeply proud of our #TeamUSA athletes and excited to have witnessed American dreams become new records and historic achievements at #PyeongChang2018.”
Watch a 1-minute montage of Ivanka Trump’s trip to the Pyeongchang Games.
Bonus read: The Olympics prove America is stronger when kids from all backgrounds play sports.
Photo of the Day
President Donald J. Trump at the 2018 White House Business Session with state governors | February 26, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)
This morning, President Trump will meet with Republican members of the Senate about renewable fuel standards. The President will then receive the Boy Scouts of America Report to the Nation.
This afternoon, the President will meet with Republican members of the House of Representatives about trade. Later, the President will make an announcement regarding additional leadership in the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities.
Today, Vice President Pence will deliver remarks to the Susan B. Anthony List & Life Institute Luncheon. Later, the Vice President will delivers remarks to the National Religious Broadcasters’ 75th Annual Convention before participating in a Republican Governors Association event with Governor Bill Haslam of Tennessee.
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