

【日本の朝】【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2018-01-12b】 あなたの毎日1600: 「あなたは良い製品を作っているに違いない」

2018-01-12 12:56:30 | ホワイトハウスからのメール




「過去数年間、経済面では米国からノルウェーに余剰があった」と首相は述べた。 "だからあなたは良い製品を作っているに違いない"










    「規制緩和やあらゆる形の成長抑制に関する新たな記録を立てました。 。 。アメリカ経済を危機にさらしていた。


    「我が国を代表して、しつこく働いてくれた内閣に感謝したい。毎日、毎時間。 "










ウィルソン長官は、「我々はより早く動かなければならず、よりスマートにしなければならない」と述べた。 "そこに問題の答えがある人がいることはわかっている。 。 。彼らは何を持っているのかを見て、彼らが私たちを助けるのを手伝ってくれるだろう」





ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領とノルウェー首相エルナ・ソルベルグ| 2018110日(D.マイレスカレンによる公式ホワイトハウス写真)





副大統領は、AFwerX Vegasの開会式での彼の発言に続いて、Nellis空軍基地で航空隊員とその家族に発言を行います。









【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-01-12b


Your 1600 Daily:


You must be making good products’
President Donald J. Trump welcomed Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg to the White House yesterday. The two leaders talked security, NATO, and trade and investment between the United States and Norway.

You are our closest ally inside NATO,” Prime Minister Solberg told President Trump. Both she and the President also emphasized Norway’s importance as a major customer of American-made defense and technology products.

In the last years, there has even been a surplus from the U.S. to Norway on the economic side,” the Prime Minister said. “So you must be making good products.”

White House video: Take a look inside the Prime Minister’s visit.

The first Cabinet meeting of 2018
“2017 was a year of tremendous achievement—monumental achievement, actually,” President Trump said as he kicked off the first official Cabinet meeting of the new year.

The President listed off numerous highlights from 2017 while charting a course for the coming weeks:

  • Since that tax cut was enacted, more than 1 million workers have already received a tax cut bonus.”

  • We’ve set a new record on reducing regulation and all forms of stopping growth . . . that were crippling America’s economy.”

  • Any [immigration] bill we pass must improve jobs, wages, and security for American citizens.”

  • I want to thank my Cabinet for working tirelessly on behalf of our country. Every single day, every hour.”

Read what President Trump told his Cabinet to kick off 2018.

US Air Force: We have to be ‘faster and smarter’
“We’re changing the way we do business,” Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson said last summer as she unveiled plans to launch AFwerX—a new technology accelerator program that will help the Air Force find cutting-edge and affordable solutions to its tech challenges.

Today, Vice President Mike Pence travels to Las Vegas to celebrate the grand opening of that facility. Its launch is a testament to the strength of America’s small tech businesses and their entrepreneurial innovation—an economic advantage America enjoys that it can more aggressively translate into a national security asset, as well.

We have to move faster and be smarter,” Secretary Wilson said. “We know there are people out there with answers to problems . . . We are going to look at what they have and help them help us.”

Listen to the Vice President’s remarks live at 5:45 p.m. ET today.

Photo of the Day

President Donald J. Trump and Prime Minister Erna Solberg of Norway | January 10, 2018 (Official White House Photo by D. Myles Cullen)


This afternoon, President Trump will lead a prison reform roundtable. Later, The President will meet with his National Security team.

Following his remarks at the grand opening of AFwerX Vegas, the Vice President will deliver remarks to airmen and their families at Nellis Air Force Base.


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