

世界の警察官に感謝 【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2018-02-21a 】 あなたの毎日1600: Parklandの後の日々

2018-02-21 09:50:52 | ホワイトハウスからのメール


【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2018-02-21a 】







金曜日、大統領と大統領はフロリダ州の病院で生存者を訪問し、ブロワード郡保安官事務所の法執行官に敬意を表し、全面的な支持を表明しました。大統領はまた、Parkland Mayor Christine Hunschofsky市長などの地元の職員と話し合い、最新情報を受け取り、指導者に感謝しました。


「大統領の全国民は、重い心を持って、フロリダ州のパークランドで被害者とその家族のために祈り続ける」と大統領は金曜日につぶやいた。 「先生、法執行機関、危険に直面してとても勇敢に反応した最初の対応者と医療従事者に:あなたの勇気を感謝します!


大統領はまた、銃器のための国家のバックグラウンドチェックシステムを強化するための提案された法案について上院大多数の鞭のJohn CornynR-TX)と話しました。討論はまだ進行中だが、サラ・サンダースの報道官は昨日、トランプ大統領がこの努力を支持していると語った。


トランプ大統領がBroward Health North Hospitalで話をすることを見守りなさい。














マッチ・コーチェン上院議員(首相)のミッチ・マコーネル(R-KY)上院議員は、「私は、会場の友人たちが、この機会に、彼らの最優先課題を果たすために飛び降りるだろうと思った。 "しかし、彼らはちょうど答えに"はい "を取ることができませんでした。 。 。 。彼らは大統領との合理的な妥協案を受け入れるよりも、彼らが擁護している180万人のために何の決議もせずに、むしろ空手に近寄ることにした」と述べた。


トランプ大統領は今朝、民主党の妨害主義がアメリカの有権者を傷つけていると指摘した。大統領は、減税の人気を挙げて、「共和党は現在、11月中旬の総選挙のために世論調査を主導している」と述べた。 「また、DACAは何もしたくない、Rは修正したい!」





ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領とメアリーニア・トランプ大統領がマジョル・ストーンマン・ダグラス高校生マディ・ウィルフォードを訪問2018216日(Shealah Craigheadによる公式ホワイトハウス写真)





副大統領とセカンド・レディは、大統領と国土安全保障長官との昼食を取った後、フロリダのNASAのケネディ宇宙センターに行く予定です。 2人はケープカナベラル空軍基地の打ち上げ施設のツアーに参加し、後に商業宇宙飛行連盟、深宇宙探査連合、米国航空宇宙学研究所、航空宇宙産業協会、スペースフロリダが主催するレセプションに出席する。







【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-02-21a 】


Your 1600 Daily:


The days after Parkland
Following last Wednesday’s horrific shooting at a Parkland, Florida, high school, President Donald J. Trump addressed the Nation and issued a Proclamation honoring the victims and their families.

On Friday, the President and First Lady visited with survivors at a Florida hospital and addressed law enforcement officers at the Broward County Sheriff’s Office to pay their respects and express their full support. The President also spoke with local officials such as Parkland Mayor Christine Hunschofsky to receive updates and thank them for their leadership.

Our entire Nation, w/one heavy heart, continues to pray for the victims & their families in Parkland, FL,” the President tweeted Friday. “To teachers, law enforcement, first responders & medical professionals who responded so bravely in the face of danger: We THANK YOU for your courage!”

The President also spoke with Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-TX) about proposed legislation to strengthen the Nation’s background-checks system for firearms. While discussions are still ongoing, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said yesterday, President Trump is supportive of the effort.

Watch President Trump speak at Broward Health North Hospital.

Presidents’ Day—or ‘Washington’s Birthday’?
Since 1971, Federal employees have enjoyed a three-day holiday weekend each February. Yet while yesterday’s sales at malls across the country may have reminded you to celebrate “Presidents’ Day,” the official Federal holiday remains “Washington’s Birthday” on the books.

Given the proximity of the holiday to Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, Rep. Robert McClory (R-IL) attempted to change the name of the holiday to “Presidents’ Day” in 1968. But the measure proved to be particularly controversial for legislators from Virginia, George Washington’s home state, and it was soon dropped.

Another fact: Washington’s Birthday is honored on the third Monday of each February, but because his actual birth date is February 22, the Federal holiday will never be celebrated on his real birthday.

Read more on the historic debate between “Presidents’ Day” and “Washington’s Birthday.”

Democrats punt on DACA
Last week, Senate Democrats—led by Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY)—blocked an effort to begin voting on real immigration reform that would offer a path to legalization for 1.8 million DACA-eligible illegal immigrants.

I thought my friends across the aisle would jump at this opportunity to fulfill what they say is their top priority,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said. “But they just could not take ‘yes’ for an answer. . . . They decided they’d rather come away empty handed, with no resolution whatsoever for the 1.8 million individuals they say they are championing, than accept a reasonable compromise with the president.”

President Trump noted this morning that the Democrats’ obstructionism is hurting them with American voters. “Republicans are now leading the Generic Poll [for November’s midterm elections],” the President tweeted, citing the popularity of tax cuts. “Also, they want to do nothing on DACA, R’s want to fix!”

Read more: What people are saying about the Senate Minority’s immigration obstructionism

Photo of the Day

President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump visit Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student Maddy Wilford her family | February 16, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)


Today, President Trump will have lunch with Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen. In the afternoon, the President will meet with Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin and later host a Public Safety Medal of Valor Awards ceremony.

After having lunch with the President and Secretary of Homeland Security, the Vice President and Second Lady will travel to NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The two will participate in a tour of Cape Canaveral Air Force Station’s launch facilities and later attend a reception hosted by the Commercial Spaceflight Federation, Coalition for Deep Space Exploration, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Aerospace Industries Association, and Space Florida.


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