

2 additional my favorite songs by Westlife お気に入りの曲をもう2つ(^^)

2012-08-18 08:52:54 | music

Since the 2 songs by Westlife got so many comments that I put up the additional song by Westlife called "My Love" today



題名は My Love です

写真は、六本木のGold Stoneでアイスクリームを食べてご機嫌んな私。






もう一曲は、"I'll See You Again" これは、歌詞がかいてあるので、解りやすいです。

Hope you enjoy this one, too LOL


These days, I am visiting my 84 year-old Dad becaue he is losing his memory so fast.

He quit working as a doctor 4 years ago. I feel so sad he could not recognize me one day....and then tried to visit him as many times I can though it takes 2 hours one way to visit him.

He recovered to recognize me after my several visits. I would like to do the best I could do becuase my mother passed away 21 yeas ago at the age of only 58. I could not do anything for Mam. I suppose I would like to live long and dedicate my life for World Peace...that's my lifework.

Below is the pictures of my father.  The one on the left is about 6 years ago: Me and Dad

The middle one is current Dad and me

The picture on the right is the tomb of "KOHNO" Family. My mother lies in there. This is the picture when I visited it on Aug. 10. I don't think I would get in there. I am asking my sons to have no funeral, no tomb for me, i hope them to put my ashed to the ocean because I love ocean, swimming, diving, walking on the shore, water fall, mineral water, anything to do with water. If I had a life after my death, I would like to be a fish. A tiny fish like the fish in the Children Book called "Swimmy" by Leo Leoni (spelling) He also wrote " Very Hungry Catapillar" and "Rainbow Fish"

He is now very calm in the nursry home. I alway bring him his favorites.

I feel so happy when he call me "Noriko-chan" and he take my hands tight. We are connected by heart by heart without any words. His smile is contagious and makes me smile. 

I would like to plant the seed of World Peace all over the world and hope the world would be as one as the song "Imagine" by John Lennon. They are still seeds, but with sun's love and water, they grow to be a beautiful flower of World Peace some day!! I believe in God.  God Bless you!! 

私は、21年前58歳で亡くなった母のお墓参りと、4年前人間ドックの顧問を辞めてから、急激痴呆が進み、一時は私の事も解らなくなった、84歳の父に会いに、昨日入所している介護ホームに行きました。父の好物の、カステラと甘納豆を持って行きました。 ちょうど、おやつ時間だったので、出されたおやつは控えて、そのカステラと甘納豆を美味しそうに笑顔で食べてくれました。 典子、典子と手を握って笑顔で美味しそうに食べてくれました。 嬉しくて、目頭が熱くなり、涙、涙でした。




