

My 2 favorite songs by Westlife 長い間、大好きで歌ってきたお気に入りの2曲

2012-08-14 00:30:34 | music




1 If I Let You Go

2 You Raise Me Up

1If I Let You Go


この曲は、日本の「明日がある、明日がある」って感じの、可愛い、純粋に、愛にときめく心を歌っています。歌詞があるので、ゆっくり意味も理解できます。If I Let You Goという題名の曲です。 


2 You Raise Me Up


東京から近場のお勧め温泉 Hot Spa near Tokyo

2012-08-12 23:46:46 | music


私は、ここの温泉が大好きです。都内の「スーパー温泉」なるものは、ほとんど試しましたが、ここのは、全国屈指の、美肌効果が高い美人の湯、自噴温泉温度57度。 まず、都内のは値段が、大体2500円位だが、ここは、700円!銭湯が、確か、今は450円だと思う。

場所は、埼玉県久喜市西大輪2丁目19番地1 東北自動車道久喜インターより10分








August 6 The day Atomic Bomb was dropped on HIROSHIMA 広島に原爆が落ちた日、8月6日

2012-08-09 10:33:12 | Peace

August 6 is the day the atomic bomb was dropped on the city of HIROSHIMA. suMy mother was born in Hiroshima and her house was in the suburbs of the city of Hiroshima. My grandmother told me many stories at the time of the days was a child.  She said , when the bomb dropped all the glasses were cracked, were smashed down....and she saw the bit clowd of smoke poped up in the sky.

My mother's elder brother was in the city of Hiroshima then and grandmother were so worried because he didn't come back on the day. so many people injured and burned were carried to the playgroud of the nearby elementary school, that my grandmoter went there and helped the care of the people....My mother was about 12 years old and took care of her smaller sister and brothers. The elder brother came back several days later, injured his legs and burned.

The story I cannot forget that my grandmother told me is: One of the terribly injured & burned man was trying to say someting to my grandmother.  My grandmother went close to him and tried to listen to what he was trying in a small voice, just like the candle in the wind. His voice was so small that she could hardly hear.....He said, " My name is ○○○○○○. Plese find my family and tell about me." and he passed away several minutes later.  When I heard the story, I felt so sad and tears run down my cheaks...and cannot stop sobbing and I was all in tears. My grandmother cried with me.  She told many other sad stories during the World War Second.  My grandfather was sent to south east asian country as a soldier that my grandmother need to take care of 5 children by herself.  There were not much food to eat and the children were always hungry.  The schools were closed and my mother took care her brothers and sisters while my grandmother went to the places where injured, burned people were carriecd to take care of them.

She showed me many pictures during the time. The pictures of just black and white....

My grandmother planted the seed of World Peace in my mind and heart.  That is why I started "Noriko's World Library" to cultivate the hearts of world peace by sharing reading chidren's books in English. I invited Guests from the people from overseas and share the story times, the different cultures, foods, dancing, songs, at the time of monthly events.  I published bilingual newsletters in which event reviews, feedbacks from the children & parents who came to the events, and my own essays and many pictures.

You could find the articles of my volunteer activity of "Noriko's World Library" in this blog.

My lifework is to dedicate for World Peace through children books.

The video on the top of this article is the event one of my best friends, Ms. Chizu Hamada Williams in Berkeley, California USA demonstrated for the world peace as well as the HIROSHIMA, NAGASAKI and FUKUSHIMA where the huge earthquake and tsunami hit on March 11 last year.

Here are me with my 3 of my best friends.

  The picture on the left is me with my precious Jazz singer Stella. The one on the right is me having lunch with friends from school days. If you click twice, they can be enlarged.

右は、Jazzを一緒にFemale Jazz Singersで、歌った仲間のステラさん。 左は、学生時代の友達とランチをご一緒した時の私。 2回、クリックすると、大きくなります。

この記事の、上のを、クリックしたら、アメリカのサンフランシスコ郊外のバークレー在住の親友、ちづ浜田Williamsさんが、広島、長崎、又、去年の福島の地震や原発に対してデモで、参加して話しているビデオが見られます。彼女は、アメリカに40年に以上滞在、アメリカ人と結婚。ご自身は、バークレーに"Thousand Crains"という、素敵で、素晴らしい、お蒲団屋さんを30年以上、経営しています。私が、去年、体調を崩していた時に、彼女の自宅の檜のお風呂(浜田温泉)に、ゆっくりつかり、畳の部屋でお蒲団をひいて、ゆっくり静養しなさいと、招待して下さいました。 東京の自宅では、フロアにベッドで寝ている私・・・・アメリカで、日本の優雅でくつろげるお風呂に入り、畳の部屋で柔らかなお布団で寝て、すっかり元気になって帰国。17年ほどの親友です。 お花育てが大好きで、自宅の広いお庭には、四季の花々が咲き乱れ、高台の彼女の家からは、バークレーの町が見渡せ、空は青く美しい。

Lunch with 2 of My Best Friends on Aug. 2 2012 2人の親友とのランチ 2012年8月2日

2012-08-04 13:48:29 | エッセイ

It's always a great joy to have lunch with good friends.

Akiko is an old friend from my elementary school days. So we have known for more than 46 years now.  Gyokuka was a friend of Keiko but we are good friends for several years. Gyokuka is a chinese but she has lived in Japan for more than 20 years.

Keiko is always smiling and so kind ....a good picture drawer. Gyokuka has 1 son(17) and a translator and interpreter of Chinese.  She is always a hard worker and positive person. Good listener and give me good advices when I have some concerns.

I am so lucky to have good friends all over the world.  They are my treasure that we cannot with money.  We trust, love and share both good & bad days.

Here's the picture of us 3! (^^)

←if you click twice, it will be enlarged.

親友とのランチは最高に楽しい。この日は、小学校4年生の時からの親友の彰子さんと、彰子さんの友達で数年前からの親友、ぎょくかさん。 彰子さんは、いつも、笑顔で優しく、絵を描くのが上手。ぎょくかさんは、中国人ですが、日本の男性と結婚していて、高校3年生の息子さんがいます。2人とも、横浜住まい。じょくかさんは、中国語の翻訳や通訳をしています。


上は、3人の写真。 真中が私。私の左が彰子さん、右がぎょくかさん。

次男の早稲田大学「踊り侍」よさこいダンスサークルYoutube: Youtube of Japanese Festival Dance

2012-08-02 10:21:58 | youtube

My second son belong to a Japanese Festival YOSAKOI Dancing Club at Waseda University called "ODORI-SAMURAI"

It's creative, rhythmic dance with Japanese sensitivity attached, both the music and the costume.

More than half of the members are female dancers.  There are students not only from Waseda Univ. but many other universities including girl's university like Ohtsuma University.

The whole member tours from Hokkaido to Shikoku, and at Omote-Sando & Harajyuku area over the weekend.

"Super YOSAKOI Festival 2012 will be held on Aug. 24 & 25 around Harajyku & Omote-Sando area.  More than 90 groups from all over Japan will be dancing!!  There are many stalls selling the food and vegetables from all over Japan at the fair, too.  Pretty Exciting 2 Days.

 ←Please click twice to enlarge the picture. My second son, Ryo 21 is the boy on the left.