This is Jimmy


友 遠方より来たる、A friend has come from a distant place.<P2>

2019-04-14 | Jimmyの語りべ <Bilingual>

Photo by Gina

The history of the name as the kabuki "tilts", it's said that it's "turnip wearing" which noun-ized the conjunctive form of (KABUKU) which "declines" which is affected by the archaism to which you (tilt) [3]. Such persons were also called "turnip putting person" in particular by the flashy costume which came into fashion at a capital from time to the beginning of the Edo Period at the end of warlike ages and a word which means that Ippu runs to the behavior which liked different deformity and deviated from a common course.

Yokohama chinatown

Yokohama Sta

Hotel in Sibuya

I have received a picture from the husband and wife who returned home safely.
Please stuff a lot of memories into a trunk.
From Australia Melbourne in the Southern Hemisphere.

Translation is by a PC.

