「Heroes of Might and Magic III」の拡張パック「Shadow of Death」のキャンペーン「Birth of a Barbarian」のシナリオ4「Falor and Terwen」をプレイしました。
Falor and Terwen
Yog must deliver the Celestial Necklace of Bliss and Lion's Shield of Courage to Falor and Terwen to win the scenario. However, if Yog is defeated in combat or loses either artifact, the scenario is lost. Yog is limited to level 21 but will carry his experience and skills on to the next scenario.
マップサイズはS。チームカラーはBlue で敵はTeal となっています。難易度はデフォルトのHard のままでプレイします。
シナリオ開始前に、Badge of Courage、3 Ogres、8 Orc chieftains の中からひとつを選択します。資源よりArtifact、ということで、Ring of the Wayfarer を選択します。このRing は戦闘時にCreature のSpeed が+1される、なかなか使えるArtifact です。
まずはYog の独白から物語は始まります。
I gave up the first piece of the Sword, although I had to resist all of my wizardly training to do so. Now I am to find the hut of a seer named Falor and give him two more pieces: the Celestial Necklace of Bliss and the Lion's Shield of Courage. This will be no simple errand, for the Erathians don't take kindly to large armies traipsing across their country.
Before leaving Tatalia you sent a messenger off to deliver the Pendant of Courage to Winston Boragus so that he would know you have successfully completed the first part of your quest. After dismissing the messenger, you marched off to complete the second part. You now been in Erathia for several days, but you have been unable to locate Falor and Terwen. The best clue you have to their whereabouts is a hazy recollection from a peasant that they live somewhere underground.
前回Tatalia でAlendra にふたつのArtifact を渡したYog。次のミッションは、Erathia にいるFalor とTerwen にCelestial Necklace of Bliss とthe Lion's Shield of Courage を渡すことです。領内を大軍がウロウロしていたら、おそらくErathia も妨害しようとしてくるでしょう。お使いシナリオなので別にErathia に危害を加えるつもりはありませんから、わざわざ軍勢を率いていかなくても、Yog がひとりでこっそり行って、こっそりお届け物をするだけでも良いような気もしますけどね。