「Heroes of Might and Magic III」の拡張パック「Shadow of Death」のキャンペーン「New Beginning」のシナリオ3「Retrieving the Cowl」をプレイしました。
Retrieving the Cowl
Bring the Vampire's Cowl to the town of Leafhall to win the scenario. However, if Gem or Clancy are defeated in combat or you lose the Cowl, the scenario is lost. Your heroes are limited to level 20, but Gem and Clancy will carry their experience, skills and spells on to the next scenario
When I delivered the Amulet of the Undertaker to Sandro, he told me he had also hired a Barbarian named Tarek to locate another artifact, The Vampire's Cowl. However, Tarek is long overdue and Sandro fears for his life. From what I can see, bandits have captured Tarek and are holding him for ransom in an underground prison near the Deyja border.
A Barbarian named Terek has located the Vampire's Cowl for Sandro. Unfortunately, Bandits in the Contested Lands captured Terek on on his way back from Deyja. Terek convinced the bandits that his friends would pay handsomely for his return with his possesions intact. My scrying has shown he is being held in an underground prison near the Deyjan border. I also received some good news today. Clancy obtained permission from his Lord to help me find the other two artifacts. Lord Fayette said it was all right with him as long as we didn't invade AvLee. I believe the last part was a joke.