* Nãgãrjuna is praised that he who came from the southern India was the founder abbot of the eight Buddhist sect. Hajime Nakamura who was a famous Japanese Buddhist scholar said that he was not one person because of his writings extending over the large sphere of Indian Buddhism. Anyway, we have to remarkable mention that he was not only a great scholar in Mahayana Buddhism but also was well informed about Theravada Buddhism. And he opened the sect of Jodo sect: Pure Land sect. There is a teaching that we call to ‘The teaching of taking easy way by invocation of Amida Buddha’ is in Japanese Jodo Shin sect. It was taught by him.
Buddha taught innumerable teachings alike there are innumerable paths in the world. There are the difficulty paths or the easy them. The paths on the ground are felt difficulty and the path of water-surface is felt easy for us. The way of Bodhisattva is also as well as them.
The souse : “The doctrine of Zyu zyu Bibashya” ‘The fifth roll’.
Ordinary people, we entrust favorable matters to Amida Buddha. However, we will not entrust unfavorable matters to Amida Buddha. Entrusting whatever unfavorable matters to Amida Buddha means ‘The teaching of taking easy way’. Really, it is not easy practicing. Moreover, should not think about done it, so, we should be humble attitude.