

24/3/5(火) 面接、酸素治療、献血(466回)

2024-03-08 11:54:49 | 日記

起床 5:00

天気 曇り午後から雨(起床時の気温 8℃)

日の出 6:04/日の入り 17:40









Today, I had a renewal interview for my part-time

job in the morning, and after that, I completed "hyperbaric oxygen treatment" and moved to

She donated blood for the 466th time in

Yokohama, went shopping, and returned home.





“Japanese sweets” as a gift




24/3/1(金) バイト

2024-03-08 10:17:06 | 日記

起床 4:45 

天気 朝雨のち曇り(起床時の気温 5℃)

日の出 6:10/日の入り 17:36








I went to my usual part-time job this afternoon.
Before that, I went shopping at the shopping district.




At night, I went to pick up my family from

the station.



In preparation for next week's Easter, Mrs. I

brought me boiled eggs with patterned

shrink covers. I took it home and ate it.