

24/3/31(日) 駅からハイキング・高松山

2024-04-03 17:54:00 | 日記

起床 4:55

天気 晴れ、夕方から曇り(起床時の気温 17℃)

日の出 5:28/日の入り 18:01




Today, I went to Mt. Takamatsu, located on the south side of Tanzawa, with my usual mountain friends.
I traveled by train. Finally, I took the Gotemba Line and got off at Higashiyama Kita Station.








It wasn't a very steep mountain, but since my physical strength was low, it wasn't that easy.











Mt. Fuji is famous for being visible from the top of Mt. Takamatsu, but I couldn't see it clearly because it was cloudy and due to the yellow sand.



























After descending the mountain, we had a great time at a pub in front of Shin-Matsuda Station to celebrate and reflect on our successful descent.
There were a few problems on the way home.
1) Since I got on the JR East Line and got off at the JE Tokai Line, I was unable to pay off my Mobile Suica at Higashiyama Kita Station.
2) On the way back, I couldn't exit the station using a mobile Suica, so I bought a ticket and entered.
3) I fell asleep on the train due to the combination of alcohol consumption at the review meeting and fatigue from hiking. I woke up halfway through the train, but hurriedly got off the train at Shimo-Soga Station, one station before the final stop, Kokufutsu Station.
As a result, I was delayed by more than 30 minutes from my scheduled time to return home.


24/3/30(土) プール

2024-04-03 17:37:09 | 日記

起床 4:55

天気 雨、午後から晴れ(起床時の気温 14℃)

日の出 5:30/日の入り 18:00




Today, I went to my child's workplace early in the morning, picked up a large amount of children's books, and took them home.
After that, I went to the pool for the first time in a while. This is my second time this month, and I don't have many opportunities to go to the pool these days.