

24/4/4(木) トレーニング(今までのトレーニング実績)

2024-04-04 21:48:56 | 日記

起床 5:25

天気 朝雨のち曇り(起床時の気温 12℃)

日の出 5:22/日の入り 18:05






I went for a short training session today.


On the way home, I saw beautiful iris blooming.


◆Training results to date
Record the past performance of the "Training Gym" you joined in November 2013.
① November 23
  17/30 56.7%② December 23  8/31  25.8%
③ January 24  10/31 32.3%  
④ February 24  11/29 37.9% 
⑤ March 24  13/31 41.9%TOTAL  59/152 38.8%I think I did my best despite having to undergo treatment for a ``rib fracture'' at the end of the year and ``sudden hearing loss'' at the beginning of the year.



24/4/4(水) トレーニング

2024-04-04 18:30:03 | 日記

起床 4:55

天気 曇り、昼前から雨(起床時の気温 13℃)

日の出  5:23/日の入り 18:04







I went to training today.
I spent about 1.5 hours doing weight training and walking. It's the second day of this month.


In the evening, I went to pick up my family from the station.
The other day, my younger brother's family went on a trip to Egypt. This is the "pyramid chocolate" I received as a souvenir from that time.

24/4/2(火) 献血(だめだった)

2024-04-04 18:13:41 | 日記

起床 5:25

天気 晴れ、夕方から曇り(起床時の気温 9℃)

日の出 5:25/日の入り 18:03





Today I went to Yokohama to donate blood for the 468th time. Today, I went to the Yokohama SKY Building blood donation room instead of the usual blood donation room. A routine blood test showed that his hemoglobin value, which should be 12.0 or higher, was only 11.5, so his blood donation was canceled.

I took a short break in the blood donation

room and then went home.







I'm working on a coloring book for animals, so I took a photo for reference.







I rode the lucky train (yellow body).


At night, I went to pick up my family from the station.



24/4/1(月) ソレイユの丘とCocos

2024-04-04 17:50:29 | 日記

起床 5:25

天気 小雨のち曇り夕方から晴れ(起床時の気温 15℃)

日の出 5:26/日の入り 18:02




Today I went to Soleil Hill with my daughter,

grandson, and wife.

At Soleil Hill, we first had a snack of coffee

and donuts. After a short break, the children

had fun on the slides and swings.












When it came to interacting with animals, my grandson enjoyed feeding sheep, alpacas, and capybaras (for a fee).