資本主義という共通の価値観で ようやく世界市場が構築されたと言うのに ロシアに対する経済制裁で 元の木阿弥 再び世界は分断されブロック化され 何も建設的な取り組みができない暗黒の時代に突入した
ロシアのウクライナ侵攻で分かった。 日本が、ウクライナのように通常兵器で侵略され、日本国民が犠牲にならないようにするには、核兵器で、相手国を威嚇できる能力を持つ以外に、方法は...

Economic Sanctions against Russia brought back to nothing. The world entering into a Dark Age.
What became evident through the Russian invasion of Ukraine is that in order to prevent...

The Evolutionary Journey: From Virtual Reality to AI Dominance
There is a theory that this world is a virtual reality.Oxford University professor Nick Bo...


Cultural and economic disparities in families become factors contributing to human disparities
Differentiation of distance gives velocity, differentiation of velocity gives accelerat...

AI Evolution and Human Coexistence “Human Future Inspired by Friday-like Figure in Robinson Crusoe”
As I was thinking about AI, it reminded me of Friday, a character from Robinson Crusoe'...

今 ChatGPTが脚光を浴びている しかし これはAI時代の幕開けに過ぎない 私たちの生活の中で AIが普及するのを誰も止められないだろう

Apple Microsoft Google Meta Amazon—Their Billionaires Owes to Efforts of 8 Billion People
What is needed in this society is not just a minimum wage but also an upper limit on in...

たかが英語されど英語 日本人の宿命か

Just English, But It Is English: The Destiny of the Japanese People
Recently, there has been a lot of talk about a direct route from Japanese high schools to ...