


2006-10-21 23:49:10 | Weblog
  1. 業務
    • 会社のメールアカウント
  2. yahoo
    • 使える。もっとも可用性の高いアカウント。
  3. gmail
    • 日本では携帯電話不対応なのが残念。だが、Mobazillaでは可。
  4. 携帯電話
    • 携帯電話のアドレス。専ら通知受信アカウントとしての使いかた。
  5. インターネットプロバイダ
    • 受信サイズに難あり。あまり使わない。
  6. goo
    • 残念ながら、容量が少なすぎて不可。

核(Nuclear weapon)

2006-10-21 21:35:28 | Weblog
Although anger strong against nuclear test enforcement of North Korea is felt, it is hearing from before that the latest nuclear test is not conducted in the real world, but is already a virtual experiment in a computer for several years or more. The technology of North Korea -- a certain meaning -- it will be primitive and will be the level of 1940 age technically.
However, it is not a problem but a problem with grave conducting a nuclear test itself, and that the technical level is low is the act which cannot be allowed.
On the other hand, although a nuclear weapon possession country claims "nuclear proliferation prevention" loud, why isn't it "total destruction of nuclear weapons"?
I am opposed to the nuclear weapon which brings about the destruction which is [ civilian / a non-military man and ] indiscriminately beyond in language as an object in an instant absolutely.
I visited at Nagasaki by the school trip in my junior high school days, and, now, the figure stamped on the stone is not forgotten.
Japan can contribute to world peace taking advantage of commercial power and industrial power so that the man in the world may free himself from poverty and may become the peaceful world.
Moreover, we have to do so.
Because, if do not have the armament industry (fundamentally) and it is left, as compared with the abundance of the land which breeds with plants in the twinkling of an eye, world peace must be a realization subject of the highest priority for us who are not blessed with natural energy resources because of growth maintenance.