
Studio Projects/ VTB1 その4

2010年10月22日 | 音楽雑感

Cannot do better for the price
Posted by Nick from Detriot Area, MI on Nov 7, 2009
Experience w/product: I own it
Reviewer's Background: Recording Engineer (mostly for video)
Reviewer's Play Style: N/A
I have been using this preamp for a little over two years with an upgraded GT 12AX7 tube in it and it is amazing. I use it mostly on vocals with a ST59 Mic, the sound comes out incredibly clean and clear with the perfect amount of warmth. I would recommend to anyone.

真空管をGT 12AX7にかえているそうですがべた褒めしているコメントです。


Try on direct bass!
Posted by happyasmongoose from Tucson on Feb 17, 2009
Experience w/product: I own it
Reviewer's Background: Active Musician
Reviewer's Play Style: Rock, Modern Worship, Britpop
I originally bought this for vocal work. Works well to add some glassy sheen. Moved on to a higher quality vocal preamp, and found it lying around and decided to try it as a live bass DI since I had read some positives about that application... Had been running a GK Backline 115 with an Aphex Bass Xciter & Aphex Punch Compressor in the loop, using the line out to the PA. The Aphex pedals are amazing, but the tone always lost substance on its was through the PA. So, enter VTB-1... since we are working toward in-ear monitoring, we ran the Aphex pedals through the VTB-1 DIRECT to the PA. Definitely improved the sound, but it was when I popped in the recording that I did a double take. HUGE tone, fat and deep. I have tried this product in a few apps for which it was more than adequate, but this is simply amazing for Bass DI or recording!



Overall quality: 9
Experience w/product I own it Features Features: 9
Reviewer's Background voiceover talent Quality quality: 9
Reviewer's Play Style voice Value quality: 10
I've had this unit for just over a week now and I couldn't be more satisifed! The unit sounds great right out of the box, BUT I did swap the stock tube out with a vintage 1958 Mullard longplate I recently acquired. What a difference that made! It's soooo warm and full on my voice now. It gives me EXACTLY what I was looking for that my previous mic preamp wasn't able to deliver. If you do get one, get another tube, vintage if you can find it and replace the stock chinese tube. You'll see (and hear) what I mean when you do.

Posted by Voiceoverallen from Alabama on Jan 31, 2007


vintage 1958 に交換したら、なんと違うことかものすごい



Experience w/product I own it Features Features: 9
Reviewer's Background Active musician, Recording Engineer Quality quality: 10
Reviewer's Play Style R&B, Blues, Jazz, Rock, Counrty, and etc. Value quality: 10
I bought this to replace an ART Dual MP at my home studio. Which is great for dynamic and condenser mics, but I just got a ribbon mic and wanted something a little cleaner and tighter. That's exactly what I got, and a lot more. Being able to switch the impedence down to 50 for the ribbon is a BIG plus- gives the mic the nice open sound like it should have. More than enough clean gain for a ribbon mic as well. The tube blend adds a nice bit of warmth and punch to the signal, and sounds pretty good when used sparingly with the stock tube (as good as the ART), but I DID have an extra GT 12AX7 Mullard sitting around, so just for grins I took it apart and swapped the tube out. I was already impressed, now I'm blow away- the tube blend has tons more midrange definition and a rich character that can be used more liberaly for a nice tube colored sound. Works great as a DI for my guitar amp modeler too- especially after the tube swap. This is not a no-color-added type preamp, but it does allow you to add a very nice, broad range of warmth to a cold digital world. If you're not going to spend $1000+ on a single channel of mic pre then you should definitely try this one.

Posted by GaryG from Houston,TX on Sep 14, 2006

また真空管をGT 12AX7 に交換すると ぶっとぶI'm blow awayくらいよくなったよ。

(ちなみに、この I'm blow away は blown away の間違いでしょうね。


