Hi, good morning, and thank you for checking out my blog!!
At this time of a year in Japan, one Chinese character that represents the year is announced.
This years's Chinese character was "暑" that means "hot".
(FYI: Last year's one was "新" that means "new")

Now it's winter, and I tend to forget how hot this summer was, however, when I saw this Chinese character "暑", it just reminded me the hot summer!!
Anyway, today, I'd like to choose an English vocabulary word that represents my 2010!!
The word I'd like to choose for myself is...
It's because...
"I started this blog."
"It was my first time to attend some business seminars and I was able to learn something very important to launch my own English school."
"I started to teach elementary school student", and so on.
I personally think "challenge" really represents my 2010 as an English vocabulary word, and I'm glad to choose it.
What vocabulary word would you personally choose?
その英単語が "challenge" (挑戦)です。
今年ほど "challenge" という英単語が、自分を表現する年は今までにありませんでしたので、いろいろなことに "challenge" ができたという点では、個人的にとても良い年だったと思います!!
それでは今日の英語での一言:"Be positive and everything will be fine!"

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At this time of a year in Japan, one Chinese character that represents the year is announced.
This years's Chinese character was "暑" that means "hot".
(FYI: Last year's one was "新" that means "new")

Now it's winter, and I tend to forget how hot this summer was, however, when I saw this Chinese character "暑", it just reminded me the hot summer!!
Anyway, today, I'd like to choose an English vocabulary word that represents my 2010!!
The word I'd like to choose for myself is...
It's because...
"I started this blog."
"It was my first time to attend some business seminars and I was able to learn something very important to launch my own English school."
"I started to teach elementary school student", and so on.
I personally think "challenge" really represents my 2010 as an English vocabulary word, and I'm glad to choose it.
What vocabulary word would you personally choose?
その英単語が "challenge" (挑戦)です。
今年ほど "challenge" という英単語が、自分を表現する年は今までにありませんでしたので、いろいろなことに "challenge" ができたという点では、個人的にとても良い年だったと思います!!
それでは今日の英語での一言:"Be positive and everything will be fine!"

クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します